Dark Horse

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Yesterday, Lara got back with a note for me.

"Come to drop Lara off tomorrow. Time we speak Shadows."

So here I am sitting in Havoc's giant ass launge, waiting for them to get started.

"Any input on Adrien that could be useful?", Oscar asks looking up from his iPad.

"I'd need a more specific question", I tell him. "What's the plan?"

"That is none of your fucking concern", Victor states coldly.

"Given the deal Havoc made with me, it absolutely is Victor", I say looking him in the eye. "And I'm sure none of us want a Haunted House 2.0"

"So what you're saying is, if we let you in on our plans we won't loose our men again?"

"No. I'm just saying it'd be about 50% more likely that we win. With minimum casualties. I cannot save everybody or predict everything."

"We don't have a plan yet", Callum tells me, earning him a death glare from Victor. "You seem to be pretty nifty with planning. We're putting that to use."

"We could do what she did with the Max dude. If we get Adrien killed, it'd be fucking breeze to get rid of the rest of them."

"That was a shadow attack", I state. "Won't work with Adrien"

Bernadette cocks a brow again.

"How did you pull it off?", Aaron asks me. "All we know is Max died of a bullet wound on his head. Is he the only one you killed?"

"No. Him and 500 others."

"You want us to believe you actually killed 500 people all by yourself?", Hale asks in a sceptical voice.

"Technically not all by myself. I had a 100 other girls to help me out. And Max is an idiot. It was almost too easy to finish him off."

"Details" Oscar says. "All of them"

"We don't have time for this shit!", Victor snaps.

"It could be useful boss", Callum says.

"I agree". Oscar.

"Give us the details", Bernadette says firmly. So I sigh and go right into my story.

"Every year, on his birthday, Max throws this massive event. He has a separate mansion for it, with a massive garden. Enough space to fit 600+ people. They eat and drink and rape about a 100 teenage girls in a single night. The party is always the same. They arrive with the girls and put them to work serving food and drinks throughout the evening. Max makes an appearance around eleven at night, picks a girl for himself and takes her away. The rest are sent to open and prepare 512 wine bottles for a toast at midnight. When the clock strikes 12, there are fireworks and each of them drinks from a bottle. At once. I knew the date and the place and every single detail of the event. I managed to replace one of the girls going inside and hide out till eleven. When Max returned to his suit with a girl as usual, I was already there waiting. A carefully executed jab on the neck and his vocal chord snapped. Then I shot him in the leg, tied him up, told him who I was and then put a bullet through his head. Then I told the girl to go back and join the others. Everybody is usually too drunk by that point to keep track of the girls. I told her to join the others and instruct them to put a little bit of tap water in all the wine bottles that they open and not to touch or drink any water themselves. After she left, I got the window open and climbed onto Max's personal roof. His end of the building was too close to the boundary wall and a tree outside the boundary leaned in over the roof. I climbed up, grabbed the backpack I'd stowed there earlier and then climbed up to the main roof. I mixed two vials of cyanide into the water storage unit. The girls had done an amazing job. By the time midnight rolled around, each bottle of wine was poisoned. 512 members of the Shadows were dead in a single blow. Honestly, it's one of my best accomplishments."

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