I'll Be Good

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Havoc piles into the dining room and claim the chairs. Their Majesties are too good for greetings.

The unfamiliar addition caught my eyes the moment they walked in. A balding old dude with a scared, sweaty face.

"Kelvin Morgan", Callum states following my stare. "The marriage registrar"

I look back at the man.
"Listen, I can't fake register a marriage. I don't know what you want. Money or House or something else but it's not right and I can't do it."
He manages to rush all of it out in a single breath before Oscar is right in front of him with a gun to his head.

"It's in your best interest to keep your mouth shut", he says, voice a silky black.

"You seriously just abducted the marriage registrar", I observe. I find it funny. The circumstances people would manage to land themself in!

"Didn't have much of a choice", Callum says. "We need a real registration to pull this off. We aren't friends with Kelvin over here. Don't have the time to make friends either."

"I'm not doing it", Mr. Morgan says again. I really do admire the man's guts.

"You will do whatever the fuck ...."

"Oscar put the gun down", I interrupt him. "Please", I add with some difficulty.

Oscar stares at me for five seconds and then complies, moving back a few steps.

"Mr. Morgan? I'm Rachel. Would you be kind enough to come with me for a moment. I promise not to try and kill you" I say smiling a little to make him think I'm joking. Like I couldn't even imagine pulling a gun on someone.

I see Victor try to step forward to stir shit up, but Bernadette grabs him by the arm to stop him.
"Wait", she says in a soft whisper.
The registrar takes a few more seconds and then he get up from the stool he'd been sitting on to follow after me at arms distance. I lead him down the hall and slightly open the door.

Lara is still out, tangled in the covers, half in half out. I watch her sleep for a moment and then turn to Mr. Morgan.

"Lara", I say to him as a means of introduction. "She's eight. Her father was a drug addict who died of overdose when she was two. Her mom used to take care of her and her elder brother. She died three years back. Her brother had just turned 18 back then so he got her legal custody. He died yesterday. We've been trying to locate someone who can claim legal custody of her, without any luck. Social services will be at the door tomorrow to ship her off to foster care. I know there are some good people in the system but there are pedophiles too. She's safer with us. We protect our own no matter what. She knows these people and this place. And you are the only way we can keep her here. So help us out. For her sake."

Mr. Morgan stares at me and then at Vera and Alex who have drifted into the hallway.

"Please", Alex, bless him, adds.

"Alright. But how do I know that's exactly what's happening? How do I know everything you just said isn't just a story?"

I shrug.
"They would be coming to drop off the death certificate anytime now. Wait and see it for yourself"

He nods and we walk back into the dining.

"Oscar, no guns!", I frown at him, when he stands to move. "He's willing to help."

"I'm guessing the paperworks will take some time. Why don't we get It done and you hold on to it until they arrive?", I say to the registrar.

"Who is arriving exactly?", Bernadette raises a brow at me.

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