Chapter 6: Execution of the Bigger, Stupider Plan

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May 12, 2015

I started my day by calling Steve and Nat, I knew they would be forming a plan to break everyone out and I was one step ahead of them. When they were ready (which took 4 hours too long), I put in my earpiece and went over everything one more time. I was simultaneously training of course, cause what else would you do while leading your family to their deaths?

"Okay, the power will shut off 15 seconds after you arrive and you'll have exactly 45 seconds until the nitrus oxide will release to knock out their supervisors. Wanda has instructions to bring the team to floor three, section B, room 713. Meet them there and get in the vents. Go straight for 4 feet and turn left. This will lead outside and drop you into T'Challa's ship. You'll only have 6 minutes, so please be fast. I can't help anymore but I'll be on-" I hadn't seen Pietro come up behind me, so when he pulled the piece out of my ear and smashed it between his fingers I was surprised. And unhappy, "Hey! What was that for?"

"What? You did not see that coming?" I shot him a glare that he only smirked at, "I'm not going to let you help them anymore. They made their decision, now you make yours. It's me or them, the hero or the fugitives."

"What? You're being ridiculous. I mean, this has to be some sick joke, right?"

"Choose." The smirk was now gone and a serious look replaced it. I knew from the start he wasn't messing around, but I had to give him a shot, right? And I think me believing in him, even for that split second, made my realization and response even worse as I bit back tears and scoffed.

"Fine. I choose them because they'd never make me choose. Tony's gotten in your head and you've forgotten who you are, where you come from. But that's just fine 'cause, apparently, the definition of family has changed in your book." I brushed past him, storming across the compound to my room. And, in the heat of the moment, I made another call. Something I should really stop doing. "Hey, I need a favor."

*Two Hours Later*

After I made my call and set a few things up, I packed a bag and jumped in the car. It wasn't exactly one of mine but Tony said I was welcome to borrow any of his, he never specified whether or not I was allowed to drive this one. And considering the fact that it was the 1966 Ford GT40 MKII that Ken Miles raced Le Mans in, I probably wasn't supposed to. But, did I care? Nope.

Anyway, I jumped in the car and went over to Peter's. I'd been calling and texting since I got back last night and hadn't received an answer, but I wanted to talk to him. And that leads me to now. Sitting in Peter's hallway, waiting for him to come up the stairs. I showed up around 6 and it's almost 8 now, the sun had just set when I heard the roar of Tony's Audi. Though I wasn't going to move until I saw Peter cause it totally just could've been Tony coming to give Aunt May his condolences.

Thank God a minute or two later, Peter turned the corner with Happy behind him. I was on my feet in seconds and launched myself into his arms. Like always, he picked me up and spun me in a circle, "Hey, what are you doing here? Your parents are going to kill you when they find out you're not heading to London."

I pulled out of his embrace and observed the cuts and bruises across his face while answering, "I know, but I had to make sure you weren't dead first. Why weren't you answering me?" He shrugged to which I shook my head, "Well, my Uncle has a project for me so I'm gonna be gone till school starts. I'm sure he'll fill you in. I just wanted to let you know before I left. Love you."

"Love you, too." I pecked his cheek and headed out of the building. I ducked around the side so Tony wouldn't see me but before pulling out of the alley I parked in I sent him a quick text. Call me.

He did as I asked just as I jumped on the highway, "Ms. Barton, where do you think you're going?"

I rolled my eyes and realized that I'd forgotten about the tracker in my phone, "I'm taking a trip and you know, you should really install Jarvis in this car. You're gonna get me pulled over."

I'm guessing he was choosing to ignore most of what I said, "A trip? Bella, you know how that ended last time."

"Yeah, but this time I have a team of people behind and I'm not invading a Hydra base. So, I should be good."

"A team of people?"

"Yes, and would you please stop asking stupid questions? I'll be fine. I contacted some old friends and they've got an intel project for me on the West coast. But, this isn't why I called. I need you to do something for me."

"I don't know. I mean you stole my favorite car and am running away."

"Tony, don't be dumb. I just need you to get the file from the top left cabinet of my safe room and deliver it to Peter."

"Top left cabinet, got it. What's in it?"

"My Shield file, you can go through it if you want. Not much in there you don't already know."

"Alright, be safe. You got your suit?" I smiled and shook my head at yet another one of his stupid questions.

"When do I not? I'll see you when I get back," I paused and there was a weird silence between us. "And Tony, thank you. For everything." The line went dead and I assumed he hung up since he hates being thanked for things. So I just threw my phone up on the dash and down shifted as I passed 6RPM, "LA here I come."

My bad. I forgot the question of the chapter. So here it is:

What is  your best talent?

I'm a dancer (ballet)


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