Chapter 5 - 11: First Kisses and Other Ordeals

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November 2, 2015

I grabbed onto one of the bars that lined the sides and Peter did the same. I leaned my head against the cool metal and laughed. My partner looked at me like I was crazy.

"How is this in any way funny?"

I tapped out of my suit and looked at him with a big smile on my face, "It's not." In the background I heard Flash yell something about Spiderman and Peter being friends. Looollll

"Then why are you laughing?"

I giggled, "Because you saved me."

"Oh, that. It- it was nothing. There were just cameras, y-ya know?" He had removed his mask too, but even in the dark I could see the red creeping up his cheeks.

"Ha, yeah right." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Oh, shut up." He gently shoved me and I laughed again, though it was cut short by my foot slipping off the railing.

Peter grabbed me again and held me against him.. He stared at me with worry and fear swirling around his chocolate eyes. "Are you alright?" I nodded slowly. He looked back in my eyes and then to my lips, his eyes flicking back and forth. "Ca- can I- '' I nodded again before he could even finish his question.

He leaned in and gently pressed his lips against mine.

We stayed there, pressed as close together as possible, for who knows how long. When we finally broke apart, Peter's cheeks had tinted an even darker red and he had a small smile on his face.

"Was that your first kiss?"

His smile dropped, "What? Noo. Why would you think that?"

"Liar." He looked away and I took the chance to kiss his cheek. "Let's go."

I pushed off him into a backwards dive and basically free fell. "Go where?" Peter yelled after me.

I didn't respond, but I heard him curse and jump too.

"Woohoohoo!" I cheered as I hit the net at the bottom. I rolled off and hit the ground with an "oof." I quickly stood up and dusted myself off. Just a second later, Peter came down. But he didn't even come close to even touching the net. No, instead he hit the ground with a bang that echoed off the walls. I stood over him with my hand on my hips and a look that said really? He made a face of annoyance at me and groaned.

I bit back a laugh. He stuck his hands straight up in the air, "Just hurry up and help me up already." Great, he's back to being rude and snappy. I rolled my eyes but pulled him up nonetheless. He brushed the dirt of himself. "What now?"

"What d'you mean?" I wasn't trying to play dumb, I just wasn't actually listening.

"I mean if we are now the bottom of a 555 foot tall national monument with no way out, no source of light, and no food or water. We're going to die!"

I rolled my eyes again and sighed; "Peter it's 2015 not 1915. And- And you are dressed from head to toe in the 2nd most advanced technology in the world. Meaning your suit probably can give off a source of light and so can this thing called your cell phone." He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and I continued on, "And did you really think I would've jumped down here if it was a dead end?"

I turned on the flashlight on my phone and stared at him, though his response made me want to punch him; "If Stark tech is the 2nd best, what's the first?"

"Mine," I snapped back. "Now, let's go."

We walked towards the wall farthest from us and I pushed on bricks until one finally pushed back into the wall. Creaking and grinding came from within it - cutting off Pete's annoyed muttering - and slowly the wall split into and opened into a long dark corridor. We stepped across the threshold and the doors closed behind us. My phone shut off and my suit closed back into the gold bracelet on my watch. Peter's powered down too.

Slowly torches began to light, lining and lighting up the cold tunnel. Parker took a step forward, but a I threw my hand across his chest and forced him to halt before he went to far. He looked at me confused. "These halls are lined with traps and weapons, one wrong move and not only will you and I die but the entire building will collapse too."

"Damn." He looked scared. And I'm not even gonna try to lie, I was too. I was just better at hiding it. "How did you know about this place anyways?"

I began to walk, avoiding certain spots as I went, "Step exactly where I do. And to answer your question, there's a legend within shield. Everyone knows that Eliza Hamilton helped design and build this place, but it's said that she had a damn near labyrinth put beneath. Apparently she had a premonition of the world being taken over by tyrants. If one could get to the center, they'd not only be safe for as long as they needed to be but they would also gain unimaginable powers." He mouthed wow and I smiled, "Yeah, the only thing is you have to find the center to get out too."

"Well then move faster."

I did as he told me too and soon enough, with the exception with a lot of wrong turns and dead ends, we reached a set of heavy metal doors. We slowed to a stop and I looked up into his eyes, "So... You ready?" He nodded and we each grabbed one of the large handles, pulling them open.

The room was a very large circle, it had everything one would need to keep an entire army alive. The ceiling looked like a huge clock with roman numerals as numbers and in the very center of the room was a staff. It was tall and gold with a large blue gem encased at the top of it. I began to step toward it, as if I had no other choice, and it began to glow and shake. I stuck my arm out, calling it towards me, but I was tackled from behind.

I rolled over, ready to attack whoever it was but my arms were pinned above my head. "Snap out of it Isabella!" I blinked and shook my head. Peter was straddling my waist and was the one holding my arms.

"S-sorry, Peter. I don't know what happened." I was shaking and was so fucking close to breaking down and just letting the tears spill.

"It's fine, you did nothing wrong. You're okay though right?" I nodded and his comforting smile quickly calmed me down. "Good. So, how do we get out of here?"

"Umm, that's the one thing nobody knows. But see that clock?" I nodded my head towards the roof since he still had my arms in his hand. He nodded, "Well it looks like it has the solar system on it too. So, what if at a certain time during a point of alignment between planets, the doors open?"

"That's absolutely insane, but it makes sense. So, what? We're stuck here until that happens?"

"Yeah, basically. But, the good news is that Mr. Harrignton said that Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are supposed to align late tomorrow night so that might be our ticket out of here. I just don't know what we're supposed to do until then."

"I have an idea."

Okay, don't kill me. I know I said this would be up yesterday, but my dad was in town and interrupted my writing sesh. Thank God he's gone now tho. Anyways, I'm gonna try and update as much as possible this week since I left you guys hanging for so long.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. What do you think they're gonna do while they're stuck down there?? Also, the part about the world falling and the staff may be super crazy important details to remember for one of the next books but ya know they could totally not be too. Just something to ponder as you keep reading.

And please, please, please remember to vote, comment, and share this story.

I love ya'll!

Question of the chapter: What's one place you would kill to visit?

I wanna go to Seoul

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