Chapter 4 - 10 Part 2: Sometimes Speed is the Answer

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November 1, 2015

When we got into D.C., Liz dragged the entire team to the Convention Center so we could 'get a feel for it'. Then she dragged us to lunch and then to the hotel lobby so we could check in. She gave us all 1 hour to do what we wanted and then we were supposed to do a 30 minute quiz. Both flew by fast. Rooms were arranged in groups of 3, and Liz being Liz put me in with Peter and Ned. In a two bed. At least, I didn't plan on actually staying at the hotel.

I left just as the sun started to set and used the watch I got from Coulson over the summer to call a motorcycle to me from one of the old S.H.I.E.L.D. bases. I didn't really know where I was going, but I'd tracked the guy to some gas station about 56 miles out. When I arrived, I spotted the same beat up white van and pulled around the side of a building. I climbed up the side of the building and watched what the two men were doing.

What were they doing? I have no idea, kinda looked like absolutely nothing but I kinda doubted that. I crept farther forward and jumped down onto one of their shoulders. I pressure pointed him and he dropped to the ground unconscious while I turned to face the other guy who had grabbed a weapon and was pointing it at me. I slowly put my hands up and tapped my ring finger with my thumb. A long, silver sword sprung from my ring and I grasped the jeweled hilt. I went to knock the flat of the blade against my offender's head but a semi came and hit me from the side. Everything went blurry and I could see black spots dancing around my vision, out of exhaustion and pain I let my eyes flutter shut and welcomed the darkness.

-Some Time in the Future-

I snuggled closer to whoever I was laying on. Just about 2 seconds later I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I looked around some container thing I was in and spotted Peter lying next to me. I kicked his leg and he woke up just as freaked out as I was. I tapped out of my suit and watched as he slammed his body into the container doors. They flew off and he stumbled a few feet while I just stepped out like a normal person.

I sighed when I realized that we weren't just in a container but a whole goddamn warehouse. It looked like one of the old S.H.I.E.L.D. ones in the area, and thinking about it it totally could've been. We abandoned one around here, so it makes sense that some evil people would take it over and use it to hide a bunch of super explosive, magical, alien technology.

The next few hours felt like forever.

Peter learned how to actually use his suit (since he was dumb and made Ned remove Training Wheels) and it made me want to die. He named his AI Karen (ridiculous name if I've ever heard one) and seriously tried out every program we included. The idiot clearly couldn't comprehend that it was dangerous.

He also attempted to use every combination of the symbols on the keypad when I totally could have helped when he asked me to.

"Stark? Can't you just use your powers to blast these doors open?"

I looked over at him and stared with a sarcastic and dumbstruck look on my face, "Oh my God! Peter, you are so smart! Why didn't I think of that, like, 7 hours ago?" He made a face at me and I stuck my tongue out in response before letting out a frustrated sigh. "No, I can't, Peter. Currently I can't use my powers for anything, hence the extra weapons, and they wiped and removed the servers that were here so I can't contact anybody. But, what you're doing is our best shot so I say you just keep trying." He nodded his head and I layed back on the cool white tile.

I'm not sure how long I layed like that or when I fell asleep, but when I woke up Peter was carrying me bridal style on the back of a truck. As my eyes fluttered open, I caught Peter staring at me but he quickly looked away and muttered a barely audible sorry.

He set me on my feet but didn't let go of my waist until he was sure I was steady, "There's pretty heavy traffic and there's nothing I can stick my webs to otherwise we would've made it to the decathlon already. Do you think you could fly us over?" I gave him a deadly glare, "Sorry." He spoke quickly but I felt as if he was trying to say sorry for more than that.

I sighed and peered around the sides of the truck, trying to find a faster way out of here, but I sighed when I realized we'd have to wait until we got closer to the city which was still like 26 or 27 miles away.

"Listen, Isabella-"

"We don't need to talk, Peter, And you don't need to explain anything or tell me anything anymore. We're not partners. My friends are my family and I never abandon my family, but it's clear you don't live by the same ideal so I'm making an exception. You'll just have to learn to live with that." Just like I did, I added silently. He didn't say anything, as I requested, but I could see his posture fall and his jaw tighten.

The traffic had dispersed as we got closer to the city, so Peter decided to webb it the rest of the way while I went on foot, leaping across the roofs of cars and rolling across the asphalt every once in a while.

I arrived at the Washington monument where I had spotted MJ before Peter did, I assumed he was changing and probably got stuck in his suit. Again. It was a common occurrence and I wondered how he'd fair without me. I knew something was going to go wrong, Ned had the stone and the stone couldn't go through security without being activated but, even with that knowledge, I had to wait for something to happen so I could make a move as my alter ego without raising suspicions.

Peter arrived (and interrupted my chat with MJ and our teacher about how the building had been built with slaves), clueless to what was about to happen inside though not even a minute after he got there, shouts came from inside. Something was wrong with the elevator.

I sent a challenging stare towards Peter, who immediately began to walk away, and then I spared a glance at MJ who turned out to be staring at me. She gave me a look like I was crazy and shooed me with her hands, "What are you doing? They need your help, go!"

Hey everyone! I am sooo sorry this took so long to get out, life just got in the way. Y'know? But, anyways, thank you so much for sticking with me and I promise I will try and update at least every Saturday. I'll catch up on my other stories to that I hope you guys will go and check out. And I have a quick question for y'all, it's not the question of the chapter though that's next. This is just a mental health check and please feel free to comment no matter how long after this is published. How are you doing? How's life? Anything crappy happen recently that you want to get off your chest? Or something really great that you're just bursting with excitement for? Let me know, I'm always interested about how oyu guys are doing. No matter who you are, I'm concerned for your well being. That said take care of yourself.

Question of the chapter: Do you watch K-dramas and if so do you have any suggestions?

I've been watching Vincenzo (I'm not done yet, so please don't spoil it!!!!) and I have like an episode and a half to go so I'm looing for something to watch next. It's literally the first one I've watched so I'm open to just about everything. Also, totally off the subject but I kinda want to do a Vincenzo fic. What do you guys think? Would you read it?

Also, please remember to vote, comment, and share with anyone and everyone you come across. Love you all! Peace ;)

Unlikely To Be Freed - Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora