Chapter 4 - 10 Part 3: Sometimes Speed is the Answer

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November 2, 2015


"Go!" She interrupted. I ran to the tallest tree in the park and hoisted myself up, I could already hear the whir of a helicopter on its way and planned to use it to my advantage.

I tapped into my suit on the way up and just as I reached the top, the copter slowed overhead. I took a breath and jumped, grabbing onto the bar underneath and swinging myself inside. The people in it looked at me like I was crazy but I returned the look and shouted, "What're you doing? Go! I need to be as close as possible."

They focused back on flying the damn thing and brought me as close as they could, which wasn't that close since they were scared of hitting the Spiderman who was swinging on the side of the building. I sighed and launched myself out of the helicopter, spreading my arms so the 'wings' of my suit expanded and caught the wind, placing me directly on top of the monument. I looked at the boy dressed in red and blue and waved which made him release a low growl that not gonna lie was kinda hot.

I tapped out the name Martha in morse code on the very top brick and a small hole opened up that I dove headfirst through as Peter tried to break the small window on the side. I released a grappling hook from one of the many guns on my belt and belated myself down to the elevator. I made sure not to shake it as I dropped inside, but Flash rushed into me and planted a wet ass kiss on my lips, completely counteracting my attempts to keep the metal cage from falling more.

"Um," I stopped myself before I said any real words because I realized that I needed to alter my voice so there was no chance of anyone else finding out my identity, that was literally the last thing I needed in my life right now. I semi-panicked and started talking in an Australian accent (stupid, I know), "Okay, I need you guys to not move at all. Like not even an inch. Or else we'll all fall to our deaths, including me. K? K."

I really wasn't trying to be bitchy but I was tired. Physically and mentally. Plus, you know, I'm sick and tired of having to keep the Avengers safe and not being caught by the accords while trying to babysit Peter's dumbass and learn to take over Stark Industries since that's what Tony wanted.

Sorry about that, I really didn't mean to rant though I do feel better now that I got all of that off my chest.


I connected the other side of the grappling hook to the floor of the elevator so it would hopefully not move until my classmates had exited it safely. Just a second later the rescue team pried open the doors and reached hands down to grab us, giving careful instructions.

Though - because Flash literally has a brain the size of a pea - Flash rushed forward and started climbing up. He shook the elevator so much that he only got the trophy out before the shaking loosened my grappling hook and we began to fall. I shot another one, this one more of a suction cup, but we fell too fast for me to properly aim.

I heard a crash from above us and Peter had thankfully caught us with his webs. But even that wasn't strong enough. He fell through the broken doors and then dropped onto the floor.

"Oh my god! Pe-" I cut myself off, but playd as if I was going to say something other than his name, "-iss off Spider-boy." I signed a different message to him though: sorry, are you okay? To which he responded back with I'll be fine.

He was still being short with me, but it's whatever. I guess.

Suddenly we started to drop again and everyone started screaming. Peter looked at me expectantly and I mouthed a response. What in the hell am I supposed to do!

He sighed and shot his webs again, practically throwing him into what little ceiling was left. He cleared his throat: "Hey, how're y'all doing?" They just stared. "Don't worry I got you."

Ned began to jump up and down, "Yes! Yes!"

I yelled, "Ned, knock it off!" right as Peter said, "You're gonna have to stop htat."

He quickly calmed himself, "Sorry, Sir. Ma'am. Sorry."

My A.I. in my earpiece alerted me that first responders had finally shown up. Peter began to pull on the rope as if we were climbing and we soon stood in front of the next set of doors that had been pried open. They started pulling out the others but the piece of metal Peter had been using to hold himself slowly started to break. I pushed Liz through the doors and the rescue team caught her just as the elevator began crashing down again.

I jumped up and was inches away from grabbing Peter's hand, but missed. He shot a web and thankfully caught me before I fell to my death (that's a little dramatic since I literally can't die, but you know what I mean).

"Okay, okay." He spoke in a soothing voice, probably knowing how helpless I felt, as he pulled me up. Once I was safely in his arms, he looked towards the crowd standing at the door, "Okay, is everyone okay?" Liz nodded as she looked at us amazed.

And then his web broke. Our teacher yelled down at us, "Thank you."

What is up, everybody??

I am literally so sorry for taking so long to update. I'm the worst author in the world. I totally understand if you all lost interest in the story because you were sick of waiting and I totally understand, I've been there too. But, I really hope that I can be given another chance. Especially since I am happy to announce that I will update this story at least once every Friday!!!!!! I will work out a schedule for my other stories, including Amethyst With A Silver Lining (my very first fanfiction that I put on hold when I started writing this series) , as soon as possible. So you can always go check those out in between updates for this. I love you guys and I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll be posting another one soon too.

As always please, please, please Vote and share this story.

And as you all know, I welcome all comments whether they're criticizing or complimenting me or just ranting about your life. Which leads me to my next reminder, message me at any time if you wanna talk or need help with anything. Including homework. lol.

Well, I'll stop talking and give you what you've all been waiting for: The question of the Chapter!!!!!

What's your favorite kind of coffee? Or if you don't drink it tell me why and what you drink instead.

I love, love, love Maxim coffee or the Kopika coffee candies. They're both Korean, but they're amazing and literally the only things that get me through the day.

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