8-14 Part 1: That Petty

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November 8, 2015
    After Tony and I had our very, very, very long talk about my life and bad decisions and memories we had a day full of boring board meetings. He had decided to launch a private equity department that solely funded non-profits and it was to be my department until he started putting more and more of the company in my hands.

    Anyways, him and Pepper had made me go back to school after we went furniture shopping for my new office. And that’s where I am now.

    Standing in the cafeteria looking for a place to sit. After a few minutes of just standing there, I spotted Ned, Peter, and MJ sitting at one of the tables on the edge of the room. Ned saw me and he smiled, waving his hand frantically. Peter turned to see who he was waving to and immediately forced Ned to stop. I sighed and began to walk towards Liz when my phone vibrated in my hand.
-------------------------------------------------------Text Convo------------------------------------------------------

>>    Come sit
                No, it’s okay
>>    No, come over here NOW
But I don’t want to
Ned has joined the chat
>>    Just come on
>>    You guys need to sort this out
No we don’t
But fine I’ll come
And not to work it out
I just don’t feel like being alone right now

-----------------------------------------------------------End Texts-----------------------------------------------------
    I began to walk back over to where they were sitting and hesitantly sat down. Peter just stared as he scoffed and stood up. Before he could walk away though, MJ dug the heel of her boot into his toes and he promptly sat back down with watery eyes. We all sat in an awkward silence for a couple of minutes.

    “So, Iz…” Ned began, “Where’ve you been? I feel like I haven’t seen you since the D.C. trip.”

    “Ugh, I know. You’ve just, like, left me with these two idiots,” Michelle added.

    “Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.” I paused and considered my next words very carefully, “I was asked to pull some extra hours in the office cause it’s pretty crazy right now.”

    I let out a breath of relief, I had tried my best to not cause any more problems with Peter and it seemed I had succeeded.

    “Really? I didn’t hear anything about that.”

    Clearly I spoke too soon, “No, yeah. I had told Mr. Stark to not bother you, I know how important school is to you and didn’t want your Aunt to be mad and make you quit.”

    “Oh, and lemme guess. Your classes aren’t important, right, Ms. 7 PhD’s? And what about your family, won’t they get mad and make you quit?”

    “I have no idea what you’re talking about, how in the hell could someone our age have 7 PhD’s? Besides, my family is out of town and you know how absent they are.”

    “You don’t know what I’m talking about? I read-”

    Michelle cut our banter off, “You know what, Ned? I just remembered that my laptop has been freaking out all day. Can you come help me in the library?”

    I went to speak to prevent her from leaving but Ned raised his voice first, “Yeah, of course. See you guys later.”

    The pair left and I sighed, not knowing what else to do, I went to try and apologize once more only to see Peter standing up again. I quickly jumped over the table and stood in front of him, blocking his path. “Pete, just listen. Please.”

    “No, I won’t listen, Stark.” He spat my name like it was poison on his tongue, “WHat else could you have to say? If you’re gonna tell me again that you're sorry and that you made a mistake, I’ve got news for you. I know you made a mistake, trust me I know how bad you screwed up. But I don’t care. Okay, I don’t care what you did wrong or that you did anything wrong. I don’t even care if you apologize, you could say you’re sorry to your last breath and I wouldn’t care. There’s no way you can make this better or fix whatever this ever was because all I want is for you to leave me alone. And I just don’t understand why you can’t comprehend that.” He grabbed his bag off the back of his chair and pushed past me.

    I blinked the tears out of my eyes and tried my best to just walk out of the cafeteria like nothing was wrong. MJ joined me just a few tables after the one we had been at and wrapped an arm around me. We walked in silence towards our Chemistry class. We took our usual seats in the back corner and we were thankfully just watching a documentary because we had a sub. Someone switched off the lights as it began to play. When the teacher’s back turned, the pair of us slid off our stools and sat leaned up against the black cabinets.

    “So what’s got him so worked up anyways?” I looked at her, “Sorry, Ned and I hid under a table and watched.”

    I couldn’t help a slight smile, I already knew that. I had watched them hide. “Honestly? I have no idea. He was pissed off that didn’t tell him who I really am, which, like, fine whatever. And maybe it was the fact that I let it slip that I’m completely and utterly in love with him. I understand that he was mad I lied and maybe I scared him, but it’s been weeks and I've apologized countless times.. I just don’t know what to do anymore.”

    “God, boys really are the worst. You want me to beat his ass?”
    I laughed, “No, it’s okay. I think I just need to let him cool off, he wants space so I’ll give him space.” Liz slid across the floor to the other side of me with a sad attempt at wiggling her eyebrows, “That was truly awful, darling.”

    “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. We have more important matters to discuss, though. What in the world is going on between you and loverboy?” She nodded her head towards Peter and I looked over at him only to find that he was already staring with a look of (and not to sound narcissistic) longing in his eyes.

    I quickly looked away and sighed for what felt like the billionth time, “I don’t know, but I’m sick of it. I think I just need a distraction.”

    She gasped in excitement, “Yay!” She whisper-yelled, “That works out perfectly. Tonight you two will be coming over for a party.”

    “Maybe, depends.” I had something in mind that probably wasn’t a very good idea.

    “On what?” Both MJ and Liz said at the same time.

    “If there will be boys in attendance.”

    “Oh, yeah. That might not be the best plan since your problems are caused by a boy.” Liz spoke apologetically but Michelle shook her head.

    “No, you don’t understand. She wants boys there.” Liz made an o shape with her mouth and nodded.

    “And you know what? While you’re at it, you should invite Peter.”

    “Oh, no no no no no. I am not going to allow you to be that petty, you’ll just make things worse.”

    “Oh, come on.” I whined, “I know it’s not a good idea, but who said anything about being logical?”

    My two best friends sighed and looked at each other in defeat, “What’s the plan?”

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