Chapter 4 - 10 Part 1: Sometimes Speed is the Answer

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November 1, 2015

The day after the party went by smooth enough. Liz didn't ask where I disappeared off to or why I smelt faintly salt and trash. In fact all she did was remind me not to pack at the last minute for the D.C. trip. It was odd that there wasn't a single kerfuffle actually. Unless you want to count Mr. Bing (my english teacher) telling me not to have a mug during class and the cowering against his desk and telling me to not tell my uncle. That one left me confused, but it was whatever.

Anyway that doesn't matter. What does is that I've been following Peter and Ned around all day and they have't noticed. Or at least not until I scared them. What a bunch of sissylallas.

They were sitting in the workshop and were trying to break one of the purple glowy things (as they were calling it) while talking about toothbrushes. I dunno. But, um, I scared them because right after Ned started talking about his toothbrush I sat down on one of the stools and dropped the biggest hint I could. "Actually, you guys remember the Battle of New York? And the giant leviathans? This came off of one and the original clean up crew got kicked off the job Stark Industries."

Ned looked intrigued and I could've gone on, but that would've raised suspicion with him about how I knew. Plus, you know, Pete cut me off. "I thought I told you to leave me alone."

"And I thought I told you to drop this. But, if you don't want what I know then this'll be solved before you know anything. Before you can win Mr. Stark's praises." He looked shocked and I mentally congratulated myself. My wit was back. I slid off the stool and winked at the pair before walking out of the room.

At some point I found out that Peter had put a tracking device on someone who came looking for the purple rock they had and couldn't help but laugh. He basically did what I did but 18 hours later, I wonder how long that'll last. You see, every one of my bullets are coated in this stuff that dissolves into your bloodstream so that even if someone takes off an actual tracker or removes the bullet I can still find them. Way more efficient.

I wanted to tell him all that I knew, and help him out, but he seriously won't even be within 10 feet of me. He saw me walking towards my apartment and he seriously turned around and walked back into his. I considered looking into his head and making him forget but then I remembered that my powers were malfunctioning. Tony and I can not figure out why though. We've run so many tests and scans but nothing has changed. We have a theory that the serum H.Y.D.R.A. injected me with has completely left my system, but that shouldn't have affected the powers I was born with so we dropped the idea.

I wanted to call Wanda and Shuri to see what they thought about the disappearance in powers but Steve said I should distance myself for 'my own safety'. Sometimes I really hate him and others I wanna hug, then there's times when I think to myself 'I wanna tap that'. I should really sort out how I feel about him, I just make everything sooo complicated.

Okaaaayy. Back on topic. A few weeks after school started Peter quit band and decathlon, but the morning we were leaving for D.C. he decided to show up and ask for his spot back. It's lucky for him that our teacher was literally dumb and Liz had the biggest crush on him. I wanted to sleep on the bus ride, but instead I had to sit up and listen to Ned and Peter, giving my input every once in a while.

They had Peter's tracker open, and I was half asleep so it was kinda hard to follow. Which is why I really only paid attention when Pete got a call from Happy.

"That's different." He said away from the speaker.

I could hear Happy's voice on the other side, "What's different?"

Peter began to stutter and I stuck my hand out, "Give it to me." He shook his head and leaned further away, "Give me the goddamn phone Peter Benjamin Parker." He glared at me but handed it over. "Hey, Happy."

"Isa? I thought you guys were in a fight." Gee. Leave it up to Happy to stay in the loop.

"Yeah, we are. But it was either he gave me the phone or he got shot." He made a noise of understanding, "Anyhoo, we're just on a school trip for the Decathlon team. Peter will literally go from the hotel to the convention center and back home." I spoke sternly and stared at Peter while said that last part.

"Alright. And figure out your problems while you're there. Do it or something."

I rolled my eyes, "Bye, Happy." I hung up and tossed the phone back to Peter, "Your welcome." He stuck his tongue out at me, but I caught him smiling as he turned back around. I was making progress.

Unlikely To Be Freed - Book 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin