Chapter 2 - 8: You

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September 12, 2015

I don't know how long I sat crying on the floor, but it couldn't have been less than an hour cause by the time I got up and my way to the bathroom to get cleaned up it was 4:45. As I gripped the edge of the bathroom counter and stared into the mirror I realized just how much I had let myself go in the past few months. And not even just since what was no being called the Civil War but seriously since I got home from Sokovia, granted I did die again but that shouldn't have affected me that much since it was the second time. Then I got to thinking about how hard it's been since then, I mean life just didn't feel right. Maybe it wasn't because I wasn't constantly in a S.H.I.E.L.D. base or traveling the world on missions or dancing around the kitchen while my mom made pancakes or even the consistent schedule H.Y.D.R.A. provided. And even though I had a set schedule at school it wasn't the same. I didn't spend most of my time learning languages, training, dancing, hacking, or even playing music. Maybe it was because I was so wrapped up in keeping Peter and the team safe or because I'd been avoiding the compound.

Oh, God. The compound. I haven't been there since before the summer, I haven't even seen Tony since then either. I barely even spoke to him when I got back last night and that was just through text. He probably thinks I'm so ungrateful and rude, not how I want to be thought of. I mean, I don't care what other people think of me, but I do. If that makes any sense. Probably doesn't but that's not what we're focusing on here. What we're focusing on is the fact that I just made the very irrational and emotional filled decision to go over to the compound.

Upon my decision... What in the hell did I just say? Apparently I was born in the 1800's. What I mean was after that I quickly washed my face and applied a light layer of makeup before brushing through my hair and changing into fresh, unrumpled clothes. It's still pretty warm here even though it is fall, so I chose a simple pair of shorts and a tank top with a black shirt to just throw over if it gets cold. Then I had to decide what car to take. I could take the Jeep and get stuck in traffic or I could take my motorcycle and still get stuck in traffic but faster or I could fly. I'm lazy so flying is kinda out of the question and I'm almost positive the Jeep's almost out of gaas so it looks like I'm taking my bike. Which also might be out of gas, not sure though. Guess we'll see.

An hour and a half later (I was out of gas so that added like a solid 10 minutes) I pulled up to the Avengers Compound/Stark Industries gate. I stared around the bit of the grounds I could see for a minute before removing my helmet and sticking my face in front of the scanner thing.

"Welcome back, Ms. Belle." F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice rang out through the speaker, only reminding me of how much I missed J.A.R.V.I.S.' British accent, "Would you like me to inform Mr. Stark of your arrival?"

"Uh," I hesitated, unsure of whether I did or not. "No, no. That's okay. I think I'll just surprise them if you can open the garage once I'm through." I slid my helmet back on and watched the drive in front of me. I think F.R.I.D.A.Y. might've said something but I don't know. Suddenly a blinding pain flashed from the tips of my toes to the crown of my head in no more than 2 seconds, then my vision turned white and there was a loud ringing in my ears that took several minutes to fade out as the A.I.'s voice faded back in.

"Miss? Miss? You're welcome to go through now, the gates are open."

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the lingering feeling and sped through the gates, down the rest of the drive, and around the side of the compound into the underground lot. I don't know why but for some reason what happened at the gate made me furious. Usually (by that I mean before the team) stuff like this wouldn't have fazed me, wouldn't have caused pain let alone anger. This thought just made me even more mad, so I took off my helmet and threw it on the floor beside my bike, potentially cracking the thick plastic but I didn't care to check as I stormed away and up the stairs. It was only 2 flights to the main floor and the stairwell led right into the common room which was designed so it sat directly in the middle of the compound with one hallway heading in 8 different directions. The compound really was an architectural masterpiece and a complete and total labyrinth. Meaning that I had absolutely no idea where I could find Tony and Pepper.

Unlikely To Be Freed - Book 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz