Chapter 1: Outside Eye

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May 2015

Slipping on my glasses and turning on my ear piece, I walked into my Science class and took my seat in the far left corner (purposefully across the room from Peter). "All right guys, I've got eyes and ears everywhere. In position?" Upon confirmation, I continued, "Tell me what you see."

Wanda was the first to respond, "Standard beat cops, small station, quiet street. It's a good target."

"There's an ATM on the South corner, which means..."

Steve trailed off and Wanda finished his sentence, "Cameras."

Something weird was up and I must've been the only one to notice, "Both cross streets are one way, so compromised escape routes."

"No, it means our guy doesn't care about being seen or making a mess on the way out."

I nodded even though they couldn't see me, "You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

"The red one? It's cute."

Finally hearing something interesting, Natasha decided to give her input, "It's also bulletproof, which means private security. Which means more guns, and more headaches for somebody... probably us."

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?"

I smiled, "I can too, you know if you would've let me come-"

"Isabella, now is not the time to discuss this. We have more important matters at hand."


I was cut off again, "No." Whatever, Steve!

Everyone else ignored our argument and kept on observing, but Natasha was the one who responded to Wanda's previous statement, "Looking over your shoulder needs to be second nature."

"Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam asked my Aunt as he marched across the roof I found for him.

"Not to my face, why? You hear something?" I laughed at how ridiculous this team was, but immediately shut up when the teacher glared at me.

"Eyes on target folks, this is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months and I don't want to lose him."

I scoffed, "If he sees you guys coming, there won't be a problem. He kinda hates you guys, especially you Steve. Which is something I currently agree with."

I surveyed the live footage that was coming across my glasses and scrunched my eyebrows, noticing the same thing as Steve, "Sam? See that garbage truck, tag it." And so, the new and improved Red Wing was released.

After a few seconds, he gave us what he found, "That truck's loaded at max weight and the driver's armed."

His statement had us all worried, but Natasha was the first to figure it out, "It's a battering ram."

"Go now." Steve gave the order and it put me more on edge since I wasn't there to help. "He's not hitting the police."

They all got up and went to work, I stayed silent and continued to watch the footage. But my silence didn't last very long, I watched as the driver of the same garbage truck we were working off of jumped out just as the truck rammed into the gate off the Center of Infectious Diseases and two yellow box trucks entered. "Get to the institute now!" I was whisper yelling, trying not to get into trouble. As everyone landed, there wasn't anything else I could do except to watch. I was so worried that I couldn't even focus on the fight. It wasn't for several minutes that I could even look at the footage again, and when I did I knew I messed up. "Shit! The vest!"

Wanda caught on to what I was saying and quickly created a forcefield around Rumlow. I was so focused on transferring my energy over to her that I didn't even care that all eyes were on me or that Mr. Harrington had turned on the news like he does every Friday. My sister lifted him up into the air in an attempt to create minimal damage but as she did so, she accidentally sent Rumlow into an office building.

As the building crumbled, I took off my glasses and switched off my earpiece. Finally turning my attention to the teacher, I rewatched the footage of the building falling in Lagos and heard what the reporter was saying. After several minutes, I couldn't take it anymore so I grabbed my bag and ran out of the classroom. As I jumped on my bike and raced to the compound, the last thing I was worried about was detention.

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