Chapter 1-7: Not A Truther

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So sorry guys! I know this is like the third time I've rewritten this, I just haven't been happy with how it's going. But, how are you all? Pic above is her new apartment, kinda wish I had a place like that. Peace;)

September 12, 2015

I was not excited to be back in the city. Though, I didn't really wanna go back to L.A. either. Actually, I don't know where I wanted to be. Most likely Wakanda or the farm, if I'm being honest but nooooo. I have to go to school. Tony had me move yesterday, said he didn't want me living in the village anymore. I take that back, I didn't move. I was already moved to my new apartment right across the hall from Peter when I got back yesterday morning. The place is nice enough (it was clear he completely redid it). Stark said he got me a new bed, but I couldn't sleep last night so I have no idea whether he was lying or not.

But, enough about my new place it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that I am currently on my way to Midtown High of Science and Technology. A place I haven't been seen at since May. It was September now.

I honestly couldn't believe that it'd already been 4 months since I left. 4 months since I saw Peter. 4 months since I saw the team. 4 months since my breakup. A really depressing 4 months (not just because of the breakup, but mostly).

Anyhoo, school. I was excited, but like not. You know what I mean? I really was excited to get back to all the extracurriculars and my friends but then it was just another thing keeping me from doing my job and my family. Though, as usual I didn't have time to dwell on my thoughts cause I pulled up to the campus. I banged my head against the steering wheel with a sigh and grabbed my bag, swinging myself over the door and onto the blacktop parking lot. As I walked in, I got a whole lot of hugs, high-fives, and hellos.

The girls from the gym team shouted across the hall at me, "Trying out again?" I did a backflip in response just as Liz shouted an equation at me. I gave her an answer of 36 back and she gave me a hug saying she missed me over the summer. I continued down the hall to my locker and jumped in front of Flash, catching the football him and his friend were passing back and forth. I handed it back to him with a hug and a 'how's your summer?'. He really wasn't as bad as every thought he was, he was just ignored at home. He shrugged and asked the same to me, I responded the same way before continuing my journey and spotted Pete leaning against my locker. I called his name and his face lit up as he looked around. It took a minute for him to spot me and by the time he did I was already launching myself into his arms. He barely had time to catch me but when he did he spun me around in a circle with a laugh.

"How are you?" I asked as he set me back down.

"Better, now that you're back. Where were you? I know you said Mr. Stark gave you a project but when I asked him about you he said he hadn't talked to you and that he had no idea where you were." I shrugged and shut my locker, books in hand.

"He's really quite busy, never remembers when or what he asked me to do. It's kinda funny actually that the man who supposedly has the best brain in the world has an awful memory." We started walking towards our first class (I think it's history) and I quickly changed the subject, "So, what did you do all summer?"

"Oh, nothing much. Mostly just hung out with Ned and did work for Mr. Stark. What about you?"

I smiled and gave him the simplest truth I could, "Some friends of Tony's needed some help in L.A. so my parents sent me out there."

He nodded and there was a moment of silence before something hit him, "L.A.? Did you see those crazy street races? I don't know what was going on but it seemed like this one gang tore up 3 states and blew Vegas to pieces."

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