Jealousy (Movie)

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This oneshot takes place in the Movie verse, enjoy :)

(No One's POV)

It had been at least a month since the ninja had defeated Meowthra and Lord Garmadon, now the ninja were celebrities in Ninjago. Every teen magazine featured their faces plastered onto them, they appeared on a talk show at least every other night. The ninja grew quite a large fan base, a majority of them being female

The ninja received thousands of fan letters everyday, Lloyd being the one who received the most, Kai being second, and surprising everyone Jay was third

"W-w-what?!" Jay stammered in shock as Lloyd tossed the last fan letter into his pile

"Unless some letters got lost in the mail, it looks like you're the third most popular ninja" Lloyd told Jay

"H-how is that p-p-possible?! Cole, Zane and N-N-Nya are way better n-ninja than I a-am!" Jay stuttered out confused as to how he had grown so popular, Kai grabbed one of the fan letters and tore it open to read it to Jay

"Well this fan girl seems to adore Jay's freckles, they say it completes his cute look" Kai read out, smirking at Jay's flustered state as he tried to hide his red face

"Well well well Jay, looks like you're quite the favourite" Cole chuckled

The only one not chuckling was Nya, she was quite jealous of all the attention Jay was getting. But most of all she was afraid, afraid that Jay's new fangirls would take him away from her. I mean they weren't a couple, but Nya desperately wanted to be with Jay, and Jay felt the same way, but neither of them knew that, but Nya definitely agreed with everything the fangirls said. Jay was very cute, and he was even more than that, he was such a caring person too

"Well Jay, I really hope you are ready to see all your new fans tomorrow. The first annual Ninja-Con is tomorrow and we are all invited!" Zane spoke up, everyone was excited, except for Jay and Nya

Jay was absolutely terrified, he couldn't even handle the concept of him being sort of popular, and now he had to meet all his new fans? This is gonna be a nightmare for him!

Nya was also terrified, but for a different reason. Nya was far from scared of meeting all their new fans, she was always one of the more popular girls in school. Instead she was terrified for Jay, they all knew Jay was terrible with public events, and now that he couldn't wear his mask it would definitely be worse

Nya also had another reason to be terrified, she was terrified that Jay would actually warm up to one of his new fangirls and decide to date one of them, leaving Nya all alone and with no one, and Nya just couldn't let that happen. For once she was actually nervous to tell Jay how she felt

The next day arrived quickly, the first annual Ninja-Con was being held in the centre of Ninjago City. Several stands were open all selling ninja merchandise, some legal and some not

At the end of the row of stands there was a huge stage, reserved just for the ninja. Many fans were waiting eagerly at the front of the stage for the ninja, who were currently backstage getting ready for their big appearance

Sensei Wu decided to skip out on the con, instead he stayed at the Warehouse to make sure no crazy fangirls found their hideout and took it over, you can never be too safe nowadays. Kai stood in front of a mirror checking himself out, making sure his hair looked great as always, meanwhile Cole was helping himself to the buffet the ninja were given

Zane was busy making sure all his gears were in working order, Lloyd was actually on the phone with his mom, who was very concerned not being there with him. Then there was Jay, who was currently curled up in a ball on the couch backstage. The others hated seeing him like this, but there was nothing they could do, speaking of the others, Nya was frantically writing down what she would say to Jay to confess her feelings, and boy was it long

"Alright ninja, it's time to get on stage!" One of the organisers shouted backstage to the ninja who all jumped up in excitement, Jay reluctantly got up from the couch and followed the others on to the stage

Fans were cheering loudly, large lights shined on the stage and many cameras were pointed at the stairway the ninja were using to get on stage. First came out Lloyd, waving at all the fans and taking a seat on the stage. Then came Kai, Cole, Zane, Nya and finally Jay

As soon as Jay walked up onto the stage the crowd erupted with fangirl cheers frightening the young ninja, Jay shyly waved and quickly sat down beside Nya, trying to ignore all the camera flashes and screaming fans, Nya turned to Jay and tried to calm him down with a reassuring smile

A microphone was given to the ninja so they could answer any questions the fans had, but fans didn't ask many questions, they mainly just said how much they love the ninja. The ninja all loved the attention, but of course Jay was just sitting there on his chair hiding his red face in his hands, Nya didn't like seeing him this uncomfortable

Soon it was the end of the ninja's panel, a few fans began leaving not expecting anything else to happen, but Nya had something planned, something that should have happened ages ago

"Thank you all for coming to the first annual Ninja-Con! We hope to see-" One of the organisers was cut off by Nya suddenly jumping up and grabbing the microphone from their hand, catching everyone's attention

"Wait!" Nya shouted into the microphone, everyone in the area turned their heads to look at the water ninja

"I know it's the end of the convention, but I have one more thing to say!" Nya said into the microphone, everyone began to listen to the young girl on stage

"Jay Walker please come up here and join me" Nya requested turning to look at Jay, who was absolutely shocked. Nya knew he was uncomfortable being on stage and now she was doing this?! Jay knew not to say no to Nya, so he slowly got off his chair and slowly walked towards Nya. Ignoring the fangirls screams

"Jay, I know this experience for you has been terrible, but I really hope that what I'm about to say can make it all better" Nya said suddenly reaching out and grabbing Jay's hands, making the blue ninja blush redder than Kai's ninja suit

"Ever since I met you Jay I knew we were meant to be together, and I can't believe it has taken me this long to tell you how I feel! I just can't let you fall for anyone else" Nya confessed to Jay, shocking only him

"You're such a kind and caring person, and I'm really lucky you entered my life" Nya said to Jay taking his face into her hands "and the fangirls are right, you're adorable" Nya smiled making Jay blush even more

"Jay Walker, will you do me the honours and become my boyfriend?" Nya asked Jay as the crowed erupted in applause and fangirl screams

"Y-y-yes, I w-w-will" Jay stuttered out shyly, the other ninja all began clapping as Nya swooped Jay off his feet and held him in her strong arms

Jay nervously chuckled as he threw his arms around Nya's neck, Nya smirked and suddenly connected her lips with Jay's, who gladly kissed Nya back, not caring about the audience anymore

All that mattered was that he and Nya were finally together

Hope you all enjoyed this Movie oneshot! I know I did! Feel free to share this with other Jaya fans and make sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments below, also feel free to request either a lemon or a oneshot. Do make sure to follow me too!

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