Warehouse lockdown (Movie)

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This one shot was requested by @Pokemon888GO, enjoy :)

(Nya's POV)

We all made our way into the warehouse from another Garmadon battle! I docked my Water Strider and jumped out of it and removed my ninja hood

"That was intense!" Kai said as he sat down to relax

"Yeah! Who knew Garmadon had snake friends!" Cole said to Kai as he sat down beside him

"My mech got pretty banged up, Jay do you think you can take a look at it?" Zane asked Jay who was just getting out of his lightning jet

"Uh y-y-yeah sure!" Jay said as he made his way over to Zane's ice tank, I always thought that Jay was pretty cute. His shy manner and nervousness certainly makes him cuter! His freckles and his curly hair adds to the look while his beautiful lighting blue eyes are easy to be lost in. As I was daydreaming about Jay I didn't notice my brother waving his hand in front of my face

"Hey Nya!! Ninjago to Nya!!!" Kai said to me making me snap out of my daydreaming

"Oh um sorry Kai, what is it?" I said embarrassed with a bright red face

"Shouldn't you go help Jay repair the mechs? You know he can't do it by himself no matter how much he says he can" Kai said to me

"Oh um yeah yeah of course" I replied as I stepped away and walked over to Jay who was currently trying to fix Zane's ice tank

"Hi Jay" I say from behind him startling him, Jay is pretty easily startled, the guys like to scare him every chance they get

"Oh N-Nya! Y-y-you scared me!" Jay said embarrassed as he scratched the back of his neck shyly

"I'm sorry Jay, I was just coming to Uh help you with Zane's mech" I said grabbing some tools and getting to work

"Oh uh t-t-thank you" Jay said as he went back to work

It felt like hours but me and Jay finally finished working on the mechs, I looked over at Jay to see him wipe some sweat off of his face, I was soon lost in his beautiful lightning eyes

"Uh N-Nya? Are y-you okay?" Jay said snapping me out of my thoughts making me blush in embarrassment

"Oh um sorry Jay, I was umm thinking about something" I apologised to Jay

"Well uh I-I um think we s-should go h-home now, it's getting p-p-pretty late" Jay said standing up and putting away our tools

"Oh yeah, see you tomorrow Jay" I say as I wave goodbye to him, I begin walking out of the warehouse until I notice something. The doors to the warehouse were locked, I thought it wasn't a problem so I just went over to the lever to open them but remembered that Cole broke it during our last training session. I groaned in frustration and whipped out my phone to text Kai

Nya: "Hey bro I need you down at the warehouse"

Kai: "Nya where are you? You were supposed to be back ages ago!"

Nya: "Well some genius locked the warehouse doors so now me and Jay are stuck in here!"

Kai: "Oh um well hehe about that, I may have been the one that locked the doors. I thought you guys were gonna use the lever inside!"

Nya: "Cole broke the lever the last time we trained Kai! Just come down here and let me and Jay out of here!"

Kai: "I'll be there in a minute, you and Jay better not do anything!"

I groan and put my phone away and go to break the news to Jay

"Oh a-are you staying N-Nya?" Jay asked me

"Not today Jay, you see the uh doors to warehouse are locked" I said to Jay

"D-d-does that m-m-mean that we're s-stuck in here?!" Jay said starting to panic

"Well yes" I say making Jay panic even more, he starts breathing heavily and quickly so I try to calm him down, I lead him over to the couch and sit him down and sit beside him and started calming him down

"Jay it'll be okay, I'm here aren't I?" I say to Jay as I took his hand into mine

"B-b-but what if we g-get stuck in here f-forever?!" Jay says to me as he continues to panic

"Shhh Jay it'll be fine, I'll be here to protect you if anything happens" I say with a smile comforting Jay

"I-I guess y-y-you're right, but what w-will we do until we're f-free?" Jay asked me

"We could always use the TV!" I suggested, Jay nodded his head still scared, I threw on some random comedy movie which Jay seemed to like. About 2 hours had past and me and Jay were getting pretty tired

"I think I'm gonna try get some sleep Jay" I said as I began to lie down on the couch beside Jay

"Oh uh m-m-me too" Jay said as he lied down on the other side of the couch

"Night Jay" I said as I began to drift off to sleep

"G-g-goodnight Nya" Was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep

A bright light shined down on my face making me open my eyes slowly, my vision started to become clearer and I could see the warehouse doors were open! I then look in front of me and jumped a little making the figure in front of me laugh

"Sorry I didn't get here sooner, but hey looks like you 2 got comfortable" My brother teased me and Jay making us both blush

"W-well at least y-y-you came K-Kai" Jay said as he got off the couch and stretched

"Hehe yeah, sorry about locking you guys in here, but I think you guys enjoyed each other's company" Kai said smugly as he smirked and both of us making us turn a deeper shade of red

"Knock it off Kai! Come on, I'm ready to go home" I say getting up from the couch

Me, Kai and Jay walked out of the warehouse and made our way to our homes

That's the end of this one shot, feel free to request a lemon or one shot and make sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments! Feel free to share this with other Jaya fans and make sure you go ahead and follow me!

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