Ninjago Police Part 2 (AU)

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(Nobody's POV)

"Hey has anyone seen Cole or Zane lately?" Lloyd asked Kai, Jay and Nya as he poured himself a cup of coffee in the break room

"Nope, and has anyone seen Detective Wu? He hasn't shown up since Monday" Kai asked the others as he sipped his coffee

"D-do you think something happened to them?" Jay asked worried

"Now I wish you went with them so you would have gone missing too" Nya snapped at Jay with her arms crossed, Jay slightly frowned at her insult but tried his best to hide it

"I'm not the best detective but I think something might be going on here" Kai told the others

"I think Kai and I should investigate, our last missing person report went well" Lloyd suggested

"Why can't I do it?! I haven't been able to do any missions at all!" Nya said frustrated

"Oh no you are not going, you and Jay have more paperwork to fill out now that Detective Wu and the other two are gone" Kai sternly told Nya

"Oh come on! Why can't Jay just do it?! It's the only thing he's good for!" Nya yelled at Kai in frustration and anger

"ENOUGH!" Lloyd suddenly shouted, startling the fidgeting Jay and catching Kai and Nya's attention

"Me and Kai are going to investigate Detective Wu and the other's disappearance and that's final!" Lloyd finished yelling, he then grabbed his bulletproof vest and stormed out of the break room

Kai grabbed his bulletproof vest too and followed Lloyd out of the break room, but not before whispering something to Nya

"Just please be nice to Jay for once, we'll call you two if something happens" Kai whispered to Nya and then rushed after Lloyd

Nya sighed and looked back at the nervous Jay who was still fidgeting with his hands, he can't be that bad right?

Kai and Lloyd were getting close to solving the mystery of Detective Wu and Cole and Zane's disappearance. Using CCTV footage nearby they had found out that Detective Wu was lured to an alleyway and attacked, with his attackers throwing a black bag over his head and taking him away. Kai and Lloyd immediately recognised his attackers as being members of the SOG

Using more CCTV footage, Lloyd and Kai saw the entire chase Zane and Cole had with a SOG biker, unfortunately the footage cut off just as they exited the main city. Lloyd and Kai hopped into their patrol car and followed their tracks

Lloyd and Kai ended up following Zane and Cole's tracks all the way to a warehouse, they both got out of the patrol car and loaded their guns

"A warehouse, why did it have to be a warehouse?" Kai groaned

Kai and Lloyd quietly and carefully entered the warehouse, with their guns ready to fire. Suddenly a group of SOG members jumped out from behind some old crates and opened fire at the two police officers, luckily their vests protected them enough so they could get behind some cover

Kai peaked over his cover and easily shot down at least 3 of the SOG members, Lloyd also peaked out from his cover and quickly shot at oncoming SOG members

Kai and Lloyd were slowly being surrounded by SOG members as their cover began being shot away, old wooden crates can only take so many bullets. Soon enough SOG members had them surrounded everywhere they looked and commanded they tossed their guns to them, the two officers had no choice. They both sighed and tossed their guns at the SOG members, finally surrendering to them and for once being the ones in handcuffs, and to add insult to injury they used their own handcuffs

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