Shot down (Movie)

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This one shot was requested by @Pokemon888GO, enjoy :)

(No One's POV)

Garmadon was attacking the city once again but of course the ninja were there to stop him! Cole and Kai used their giant mechs to clear the streets of shark army goons along with Zane freezing small shark army mechs. Jay and Lloyd were busy flying through the sky shooting down manta ray bombers and shooting at Garmadon's mecha man mech! Nya was gliding across all the water in and around the city shooting at any incoming shark army submarines! All was going well until more and more manta ray bombers began to fly over the city, Nya was trying her best at trying to blast them down with water as she patrolled the beach but there were just too many of them! Lloyd and Jay kept firing away at them as they also continued to shoot at Garmadon, eventually they managed to damage Garmadon's mech to the point that Garmadon needed to retreat

"RETREAT!!!" Garmadon yelled running off to his volcano lair in his giant mech being followed by his shark army. The ninja cheered at their victory, as Jay was cheering with his friends he didn't see a stray manta ray bomber shoot a missile straight at his lightning jet! All the ninja looked up to the sky as soon as they heard the explosion and saw Jay'a lightning jet with Jay still inside crashing into the ground! The ninja all gasped in shock and all made their way to the crash site immediately, Kai used his mech to destroy rubble which was in the way. Eventually Zane found Jay's heat signature and found Jay still in the cockpit of his lightning jet severely wounded and with his ninja suit all torn up, the ninja all gasped at the sight of their friend in such a wreck. Nya was on the verge of tears seeing Jay in such pain. Nya immediately took Jay into her arms making him groan in pain but Nya soon shushed him

"Shhh Jay everything's going to be okay, we'll bring you back to the warehouse and we'll fix you up" Nya said comfortingly as she placed Jay down gently into the backseat of her water strider and quickly made her way to the warehouse with the others

As soon as they made it into the warehouse with Jay Nya bust down the medical room door and placed Jay onto the bed and quickly got to work fixing his wounds. Nya had to stitch up a lot of wounds and had to hold Jay's hand throughout the whole procedure. Unfortunately Jay had broken one of his legs in the crash so Nya had to put Jay's leg in a cast for about 2 weeks, another injury Jay got was that a shard of glass and made its way into Jay's right eye, Nya carefully removed the shard and comforted Jay through the pain. She gave Jay a blue eyepatch to help his eye heal for about 3 weeks. After she had fixed all of Jay's wounds Nya let Jay go asleep to heal, Nya left the medical room quietly and closed the door behind her carefully. The others all jumped up when they saw Nya join them

"How is he?" Kai asked worried

"He's doing fine, he's sleeping now so please don't disturb him" Nya said sitting down onto a nearby chair

"Phew that's a relief!" Lloyd sighed in relief

"That was kind of scary, I thought we might have lost Jay" Cole said making Nya gulp at the thought of going on without Jay

The ninja all began to relax knowing Jay was fine and soon fell asleep on the couches, suddenly there was a loud noise coming from the medical room waking up Nya. She lifted her head off of Kai's shoulder and made her way into the medical room and saw Jay holding onto a nearby shelf with some glass shattered on the floor. Nya gasped and quickly sat Jay down onto the bed

"Jay are you okay?" Nya said worried checking for more wounds

"I-I-I'm fine N-Nya, b-but what happened t-to me?" Jay said looking at all the bandages on him

"Well um, you were shot down during a fight and I had to fix you up" Nya explained showing Jay is reflection in a mirror scaring Jay

"W-W-What happened to m-m-my eye?!" Jay said scared as he looked at his eyepatch

"A shard of glass got stuck in your eye and I had to remove it. The eyepatch will help your eye heal, I tried my best Jay I really did!" Nya said tearing up but Jay wiped away the tears and smiled

"N-Nya it's okay y-you did a great j-job! I-I actually n-need to tell you something" Jay said gaining some confidence

"What is it Jay?" Nya asked

"W-well I thought I w-w-was going to die and I r-r-regretted never t-telling you I love y-you!" Jay said as he then covered his face with his hands blushing

"Really?!" Nya said excitedly also blushing

"Y-yeah, but I know y-y-you don't like m-me back-" Jay was cut off by Nya placing her soft cherry lips onto his lips, they deepened the kiss and soon pulled apart and blushed

"Hehe, I g-guess K-Kai was right, it r-r-really is that easy!" Jay said making Nya giggle

"B-but you're probably n-n-not going to want to be w-with me n-n-now because of this s-stupid eyepatch!" Jay said in frustration only making Nya giggle even more

"I think the eyepatch makes you look handsome" Nya said placing a quick kiss on Jay's cheeks

"R-really?!" Jay said smiling

"Of course, now you get some more rest. I'll tell the others you're okay" Nya said leaving Jay to sleep in the medical room. Jay smiled the biggest smile he has ever smiled and quickly feel asleep thinking about Nya

That's the end of this one shot! Feel free to request a one shot or a lemon in the comments and make sure you let me know your thoughts in the comments and feel free to share this with other Jaya fans! Also make sure you go ahead and follow me!

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