Clingy (Show)

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This Show one shot will be set shortly after Skybound, enjoy :)

(Nobody's POV)

It was a bright and sunny day in Ninjago, but that didn't stop the ninja from busting an illegal vengestone trade. They easily tracked the goons down to an abandoned part of the Ninjago City Docks, once there they knocked the doors down and immediately halted the deal. Shurikens were thrown, swords were slashed and elemental powers exploded all over the place. The ninja successfully tied up all the crooks, but while they were high-fiving, a crook came out from behind a wooden crate and quickly grabbed all the vengestone he could and sprinted out of the warehouse 

"Don't worry guys I got this!" Nya said pulling on her mask and grabbing her spear, but before she could run after the crook a hand grabbed her by the arm 

"No Nya just let him go" Jay said to Nya holding her back

"But Jay I can easily catch up to him!" Nya said a bit annoyed with her boyfriend as she shook his hand off her arm 

"It's too dangerous Nya, at least let me come along" Jay said with a small smile, Nya could never say no to Jay when he smiles, she sighed and let Jay help her out

Nya could never do anything without Jay being with her 24/7, every time she wanted to hang out with Skylor and the others Jay would either tag along or follow closely behind, pretending to be a civilian, but since Jay and Ronin are the only people in Ninjago with eyepatches, it's pretty easy to spot him. Nya doesn't know if Jay is jealous or just being clingy, Nya has noticed he has been a lot different after the whole Nadakhan incident, if only he could ask the other ninja for help 

Jay and Nya quickly caught up to the crook and grabbed the vengestone off of him before sending him off to Kryptarium Prison, they then made their way back to the Temple of Airjitzu to rejoin the other ninja 

"Oh hey guys, did you catch the crook?" Lloyd asked Jay and Nya as he relaxed in the living room 

"Yep, and we went ahead and gave the vengestone to Ronin for safekeeping" Jay answered Lloyd 

"Well that's definitely not gonna backfire on us!" Cole responded sarcastically 

"So uh Jay, what was that back there?" Kai asked Jay as he relaxed on the couch 

"Uh what are you um talking about Kai?" Jay asked Kai nervously 

"Y'know, you stopping Nya from catching the guy. Did you want him to get away?" Kai chuckled 

"Uh absolutely not! I um just wanted to make sure that Uh Nya was okay" Jay quickly responded 

Nya looked at Jay with a look of confusion, she decided to test her little clingy theory 

"Hey guys I'm gonna go get something to eat, anyone what anything?" Nya asked the guys 

"I'll have a slice of cake! Actually make that 2 slices! You know what while you're at it just make it a whole cake!" Cole responded making Nya giggle 

"Anyone else?" Nya asked, everyone else shook their heads, Nya headed into the kitchen 

"Hey guys I'm uhh gonna go help Nya with Cole's massive order" Jay quickly said as he frantically followed Nya

Nya was standing in the middle of the kitchen with her arms crossed, just waiting for Jay. Just as she expected, Jay came walking in after her

"Hey Nya! You uhh need help with Cole's cake?" Jay asked his girlfriend with a small smile, Nya didn't say anything, she just looked at Jay with an annoyed face, making Jay frown 

"What is it Nya? Did I do something to upset you?" Jay asked confused as to why Nya looked annoyed with him 

"Jay why have you been following me everywhere? At first it was kinda cute but now it's a little annoying, you can't always attend me and the girl's sleepovers" Nya told Jay with a straight face 

"F-F-Following you? I would n-never!" Jay chuckled nervously, Nya was not amused 

"Oh come on Jay don't try to lie, you're a terrible lier!" Nya said to Jay, she was right. Jay is a terrible lier, whenever he tries to tell a lie he immediately starts to sweat, stutter and fidget with his hands, Jay sighed and decided it was time to come clean 

"I-I'm sorry Nya, I uh didn't mean to upset you, I just y'know really like you" Jay said pulling Nya into a hug, Nya gladly hugged Jay back but knew he was still lying, so she decided to push for answers 

"Jay I know that's not the full answer, can you please tell me? I swear I won't tell the others" Nya said to Jay with a smile on her face, Jay took a deep breath and decided to spill the beans

"Okay fine, it's just that, you're the only thing that makes me happy" Jay told Nya with tears forming in his eyes, Nya was stunned by his answer 

"Nadakhan really messed me up Nya, he turned me into a monster!" Jay cried out referring to his missing eye and several permanent scars all over him

"Jay you're not a monster" Nya said with teary eyes cupping Jay's face in her hands 

"Yes I am! You were the only thing keeping me from giving in Nya, I was so close to wishing it all away until you came and rescued me, and when you died in my arms I felt like a lost everything. But now that you're okay I can't stop wanting to be around you, I don't ever want to lose you again Nya!" Jay said in between his sobs, Nya herself started crying and pulled Jay in for a very big hug 

"Jay I'm so sorry, I didn't know you felt like that. You'll never ever lose me again Jay I promise you! And it's okay if you want to stay with me, I just want you to be happy" Nya said wiping away Jay's tears, a small smile formed on Jay's face 

"Thank you for understanding Nya" Jay thanked Nya with a smile

"No problem Jay, now come on let's get Cole his cake" Nya said, giving Jay a quick kiss on the lips

That's the end of this Jaya one shot! As always feel free to share this with other Jaya fans and feel free to request either a lemon or a one shot. Make sure to tell me your thoughts in the comments and make sure you go ahead and follow me!

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