Fireworks (Movie)

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This short one shot will be set in the Movie verse

Enjoy :)

(No One's POV)

Loud noises wasn't something Jay was very fond of, but the noises from Garmadon's constant attacks on Ninjago City was something he could handle. Mainly because he and his friends were the ones stopping him.

But one loud noise Jay could never shake off is the sound of fireworks. As a little kid he was always afraid of them, no matter what Ed and Edna told him. They were always so loud and dangerous to him, nothing could ever change that fact.

Not even when the citizens of Ninjago City hold an annual festival every year which always includes loud and beautiful displays of different fireworks up in the night sky of the beautiful city.

(Jay's POV)

I couldn't stop thinking about what might happen tonight, anything could go wrong! The fireworks could set fire to some of the older parts of the city or just blow up the city in general! I can't even stay with my parents like usual to avoid all the noise because they've gone out of the city and took the keys with them! So now I'm stuck with my teammates on this dreadful night.

I finally arrive at the warehouse where all of our Ninja gear is and our Ninja mechs stay safe and secret. We also hang out and play video games here but today will not be about video games. Today is about the fireworks and all of their loud noises

(Kai's POV)

I was chilling on the couch when I saw Jay finally walk into the warehouse

"Yo Jay you finally showed up, we've been waiting for you buddy" I said once I saw him walk in

Everyone else in the warehouse looked over to see him enter. Jay doesn't like when he's in the spotlight due to his social anxiety but he's usually okay when it's us. But today he looks very jumpy and scared.

"Oh uh h-h-hey Kai, uh yeah sorry about um being a little late I w-was uh caught in traffic"
Jay stuttered. Cole suddenly spoke up

"Dude we all know you walk here, and there ain't no traffic when you walk"

"Well I was a b-b-bit uh busy yeah yeah that's it busy" Jay managed to say.

"Well I guess all that matters is that you're here and you're ready for the big fireworks display tonight!" Lloyd excitingly says

"Hehe yeah I'm totally r-r-ready for the uh um fireworks display" Jay said

"So Jay you dressing fancy tonight or are you going in your usual orange scarf and blue shirt?" I asked the freckled faced Ninja

"Oh um I guess j-just uh the uh regular um orange scarf a-and the uh blue shirt Kai" Jay responded

Nya then came out from behind her Water Strider after finishing repairing its damage from Garmadon's last attack

"Oh hey Jay, glad you could make it. Excited for the fireworks huh?" Said my water elemental sister

"Oh h-h-hey N-N-Nya. I um I-I-I didn't see you t-there" Jay said while sporting a bright blush across his face

Man that guy has a serious crush on my sister, lucky for him she feels the same. But if I ever told him Nya would bash my head in, it's a shame both of them are clueless to each other's feelings. Literally everyone knows they both like each other except themselves

(Nya's POV)

I think tonight might finally be the night I finally confess my feelings to Jay. He's just so cute and funny. He's also very kind and gentle, he's just perfect! Unfortunately not everyone sees it that way, he's constantly bullied for his appearance and the fact that he has a stutter, but I think it makes him even cuter!

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