The Handkerchief Part 2 (AU)

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(Nobody's POV)

All throughout Nya's long and boring School day her mind only focused on one thing, the mysterious invitation she was given by the old man she had saved in the dark alleyway on her way to School. Just what was the meaning of this strange letter? Was the old man simply lonely and needed someone to have a cup of tea with him? The only other thing that was on Nya's mind was the detention she had received for being late again, now she was really hoping this invitation was worth the scolding she would receive from her mother 

Students flooded out of the large doors to the High School as the School day had finally come to an end, once Nya had left the School premises she fished the old man's letter out of her jean pocket and read the letter once more

"Do I really want to go to this Wu's Tea Dojo?" She thought as her blue eyes looked over the directions, finding out that the old man's supposed tea shop wasn't that far from the School. It would only take her a few minutes to walk there

It also looked to be on her way back home so Nya decided she would check it out, what's the worst that could happen? A burnt tongue from some too hot tea? Maybe she could ask the supposed Wu about who those five figures were, for muggers they sure were skilled. And they were all dressed in what looked like black Ninja attire............

Does this kind looking old man owe somebody money? Was Nya about to get herself involved with a sort of Ninjago Mafia?! Now she wasn't so certain about visiting the Sensei looking old man, but she wanted to make sure the somewhat familiar looking old man was alright so she tossed those thoughts out of her head and continued her way towards where the tea shop was located 

"Um, hello? Is anyone here?" Nya asked as her hand knocked on the wooden door of the Wu's Tea Dojo, was the old man even here?

Studying the tea shop Nya noticed how old and run down looking the Tea Dojo was, the wooden door she was knocking on would probably collapse if she knocked on it a little bit harder. Looking at the area this Tea Dojo was located everything else was also looking quite run down, how had she never noticed this place of the City on her way to and from School? 

After waiting outside of the crumbling tea shop for a minute Nya was about to turn around and finish making her way home, but something inside of her told her to see what this Tea Dojo was about. Reluctantly deciding to listen to whatever was telling her to check out the abandoned looking Tea Dojo, Nya carefully opened the wooden door and stepped into the very dark Tea Dojo, with only some small holes in the ruined ceiling to light the place up

"Wu? Are you here?" Nya called out the owner of the Tea Dojo's name, looking around the shop in hopes of finding the old man "I've come for that cup of tea!"

With no answer from the old man she was looking for, Nya let out a sigh and kept looking around the tea shop hoping to at least pour herself a cup of tea. Walking around the Tea Dojo Nya couldn't spot a single teapot! The only thing she could find that was related to tea were a bunch of ripped up teabags that were scattered across the dusty wooden floor of the supposed Tea Dojo, which was looking a lot more like a Dojo right now 

The black haired teenager grew more and more puzzled with every step she took inside of the crumbling wooden building, which she was afraid would collapse if she as even looked at something funny. Distracted by trying not to shoot anything a destructive look, Nya accidentally bumped into one of the bookshelves near the broken counter. Making the tea shop look even more of a mess 

"This place really needs better lighting" Nya groaned as she picked herself up from the floor and rubber her head "Oh great, look at the mess I've made" She groaned once more, beginning to pick up the books she knocked onto the floor

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