dirty and left out

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《《I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's following and reading this story I never expected to have so many reads and votes and I love you all I really appreciate it and comments are always welcome. So yeah just thank you :D》》

The next day was pretty uneventful I went to all my classes and then an unusually small amount of day class irls where their ti greet the night class to their lessons.I also got the news that yuki would return to school next week, It was almost a perfect day. 

It was about ten pm and I wondered round the school grounds not really expecting to see anyone, with winter approaching it was increasingly rare to find anyone sneaking about. I was almost about to give up for the night untill I caught a glimpse of a night class uniform, why couldn't those blood suckers follow the rules like everyone else.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you doing it's past curfew." I yelled at the figure I was visibly annoyed and when I was met with the blonde haired vampire I was even less impresses.

"So I see the level D is still breathing Kaname must be feeling generous, although he has been rather kind to you as of late hasn't he." The blonde smirked.

"Shut the hell up Aido and get back to your dorm I'm not in the mood to piss about." I hated this prick with all my being.

"Hmm I don't think I'm in the mood to take orders from a play thing. Ha you know that's all you are right. Who could possibly care for such an arrogant creature as yourself." He turned to walk away.

"Don't fucking walk away from me. Get the hell back into the hole you crawled out from and off the school grounds." Oh I was angry now my hand twitching for my gun I wanted to blow this jokers brains out right here and now.

"I see my comments have somewhat offended you. I'm sorry but I find it hard to take orders from a pet. it's as if I'm getting orders from a gold fish." He was literally laughing at him own joke. That's it I draw my bloody rose from my blazer and pointed it straight at his head only to have it lowered again by a hand grabbing my arm.

"K-kaname." Aido stood frozen like a deer in the headlights.

"I think it would be fitting for you to return to your dorm. I'll deal with you later." Kanames voice was calm but seemed to cut through Aido like a knife as he simply bowed and practically sprinted away.

"I think it would be fitting if you did the same Kuran. The rules still apply to you."

"Of course Zero, although it did seem like you needed assistance." He smiled at me moving closer so close infact his lips hovered next to my ear.

"You look awfully tired my pet." With that I shoved kaname away almost knocking him over.

"I am no one's fucking pet do you understand me. No one owns me. Now go to your dorm." Kaname was shocked clearly but I have had enought of being refered to as an animal for one night. Kaname brought his hand up to my face brushing my cheek. I took as step back.

"Don't touch me." I yelled I new the day had gone far to well and the vampire scum where the ones who ruined it.

"As you wish." Kaname said before walking away if I didn't know beter I would have said he looked hurt but the smirk that sprung to his face as he passed me gave it all away. What a dick.

When I got back to my room I collapsed to my bed then checked the time. 4am, I sighed thank got tomorrow was saterday and I could catch up on my much needed sleep. How Yuki stayed so energetic I have no idea.

《《This is a little bit short but I'm building up to something I actually have idea's now so should be another part soon thanks mea xxx》》

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