mind games

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Zero's pov

It had been days since the incident, everything had been quite but the silence felt like it was closing in on me every night I went out searching the school grounds and I felt eyes on me. I can't be caught off guard again, I need to be ready. I hadn't seen Kaname in days, he kept asking me to meet him and I didn't show everytime. Yuki tried to tell me I'm paranoid but I'm not I know I'm not they have been following me every night, just out of sight.
I set out on my patrol rounds once again being as cautious and vigilant as possible. I had been out little over an hour when I heard rustling in the tree's, I followed the sounds leading me closer to the endge of the school grounds. I could see a figure standing in the distance I new it was him.
"Zero, how nice to see you again. Oh how rude of me I never even got the chance to give you a proper intoduction I'm Akira I would give u my last name but I'm afraid I don't remember."
"Stop your chatter. What do you want."I needed answers and If I didnt get them I had a shot at killing this Akira he was alone I cud sense that.
"Well my first intentions weren't quite so interesting I was hungry and passing by when I caught the sent of that girl, why I'm here now is much more amusing see I plan to ruin your life. Finding the hunter that killed my family and to add to my prize I can also mess with some pure blooded scum as well. Ahh yes this was all just a happy coincidence and I am going to enjoy watching you all sqirm." I heard a scream in the distance.
"Ahh yes thats my compensation incase you had plans of killing me you better run and find out which of your class mates is becoming a midnight snack."
I ran as fast as I could towards the sound as I approached the smell of blood got stronger who ever it was needed help quick. I skidded to a stop as I saw a student on the ground.
"Oh god, hey your going to be okay." I lifted up the girls head and checked for bite marks I only found one, it looked old though, and she had no blood on her clothes so what can I smell.
"Thank you for the kind words but I'm fine." The girl in my arms said her eyes glowing red and her nails drawing blood from my neck. I jumped to my feet.
"Where's the student!" I demanded.
She started laughing manicly like a psychopath then stopped suddenly.
"Give her to him." She said and with that the limp body of a young girl in her nightdress fell out of a tree.
"Your sick." I said raising my gun to the womans head.
"Then cure me." I did just that shooting her with my bloody rose. I bent down to the girl she was young must have only been a first year student. I'm going to kill them all.
"Zero! I heard you gu" Yuki stopped abruptly as she saw the young girls body.
"Help me carry her. She deserves better than this." Yuki hesitated at first but helped me anyway. We took the girl to headmaster cross being careful not to be seen. I told him what had happened all of it and then I left.

I sat down on my bed reflecting on what had happened. Why didn't anyone help. Surely Kaname new what happened. Why was the night class not on look out. I was right this has gone way to far.
"Zero." Kaname had been waiting for me.
I couldn't hold back a laugh.
"So you can beat me back to my dorm but not to a dieing girl. Funny how that works don't you think." He gave me that same proud look he used to, times of crisis make you show your true self and this is what I see, that Kuran bastered pulled the wool over my eyes. Vampires are evil, they kill people, you can't trust them.
"I'm sorry Zero but we weren't on campus tonight."
I laughed again."Shut your mouth Vampire. I should have known I couldn't count on you." He stayed quiet to that. We stayed quiet for what felt like hours as a stared into his eyes. I saw him open his mouth to speak but I cut him off.
"Get out."

I called Kaito as soon as it turned 6am and to my surprise he answered. It didnt take much convincing for him to come and help me protect the school from our ever growing infestation. I met him later that day, it felt good to have someone who was truly on my side.
"It's been along time Zero, I would be lying if I said I was only here for the mission." Kaito said with a smile and I felt myself smiling back. "I'm glad to hear that." I really was.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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