down and out

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I lay face down in my bed. I don't know how long I stayed there. My eyes burned, I wondered if I should lift my head and see if the sun had set. I didn't.  The look of betrayal in her eyes was all I could see.

I heard someone enter my room, I didn't move. As they approached I felt uneasy as if I was in danger.  I didn't really care. My head was pulled up from my pillow and brilliant eyes glared into mine. "pathetic. " was all he said. I'm sure the smug Kuran was getting a kick out of my depression.

I was dragged to the floor I sat up on my knees. I just wanted it all to end. I stared into his eyed, he seemed to be looking through me and my sadness turned to rage. what gives him the right to pull me around, call me pathetic. I pulled myself to my feet and ripped the pureblood hand away from me. "Get out." my words dripped with hate.

He smirked. "I see you do have some life left in you after all that's good."

"Why so you can torment me some more, fuck you." I don't need this shit right now, I just want to return to my bed.

"Ah Zero you such harsh words and yet none of them ring true, I'm here to help you, take care of you. When Yuki wakes she will want you in one piece she loves you, and I share her fondness. " Kaname placed his hand on my cheek and tilted my head upwards. I could feel a small blush emerging on my cheeks and turned away embarrassed. "Get out of my room!" I half shouted. He started to laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked confused. Once he had stopped his giggling he leaned in close and whispered in my ear "You really think you have any say in what I do."

I stood there stunned I didn't know what to think and then he spoke again. "I like it when you're confused it's so ... cute." Kaname then proceeded to wrap his arm around my waist and pull my body against his. I didn't hace time to think before he forced his lips against mine. I refused to fall victim to the vampire and began to struggle in his grip I did not want this.

Then I tasted something sweet Kaname thrust his tongue into my mouth and I could taste it again. His sweet pure blood and quickly I felt myself slip away my vision tinted red and thoughts of the sweet nectar swarmed my head. Kaname retreated from the kiss and began to unbutton the top of his shirt revealing soft pale flesh. I tried to resist but once the pureblood pricked his neck I couldn't hold back the small trickle of red down his toned neck made me shiver. I licked up the small streem then waisted no time plunging my fangs into his mind clouded with lust by the time I came to my sences we had collapsed onto the floor. Kaname re buttoned his shirt, stood up and left not a single word or glance towards me. I don't know what to think. 

So I ley down in my bed and stare up at the ceiling and wait for sleep to find me.

《《hope I haven't made to many mistakes just a quick chapter let me know what you think , much love Mea 》》

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