visiting hours are over

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《《Okay WARNING sexual things go down. Just sayig it for the mature audience. So if you don't like don't read. All of you who do wanna read hope I did okay lola and enjoy :) 》》

Everything was a blur. I know I was at the hospital, I new I had to see Yuki but I couldn't understand why.

I stood next to her bed, staring down at her sleeping face, the oxygen tube strung across her face made my stomach churn. The guilt was unbearable. I pulled my eyes away from her and turned my attention to the chair sat in the corner of her room. I stepped over to it and took a seat. I sat for hours my head in my hands no one ever noticed I was there, though I still hadn't rigured out why I was here in the first place. I new I wanted to speak to her to apologise, that my days felt empty without her pestering me for prefect duties. Thinking about it Yuki is the only person I have, she always has been and will be my little sister and best friend.

I must of eventually fallen asleep in that chair because when I woke Yuki was already awake speaking and smiling at none other than Kuran.

"Zero!" Yuki beamed happily in her slightly groggy voice.

"Hey" was all I could manage to say. With a faint smile I walked over to her bedside.

"How long have you been waiting." She asked hokding her hand up to me. I grasped her hand in mine and stared at the floor.

"It doesn't matter." I smiled at her whole heartedly I hated this guilt I was wearing it like a suit of armour, it weighed down every inch of my body.

"I'm glad your hear but you beter not be slaking on your duties" she spoke softly with a playful grin.

"Okay boss no more slaking." She didn't blame me or hate me in the slughtest for what I had done. She always was so understanding and considerate. That must be why the pure blood loves her so much. My heart felt heavy with that thought but their was no tume to worry about that now.

"Yuki it's about time for us to leave is their anything you would like for tomorrow's visit." Kaname spoke his words softer than I had ever heard before.

"No thank you, you've brought me so much already." She smiled her eyelids drawing heavy and with a yawn I decided I should leave.

"Sleep well yuki." I said dropping her hand and following the vampire to the exit.

"I'm glad you came." I heard her say before the door closed.

I walked silent next to kaname who seemed to not really care I was there. I was glad though I couldnt deal with his acussing stares anymore, I just wanted to get home.

We turned into a empty back ally a short cut back to the school and there unfortunately the ignorant silence was broken.

"Zero." Kaname spoke my name with a growl. I stopped in my tracks, I was a few paces ahead of him I could run but I doubt I would get far. I turned to face him and was greeted with a harsh shove his fist balled up into the front of my shirt, now he was pinning me against the wall. I was helpless.

"How dare you, the girl is sick she needs rest not the added stress of you pathetically hovering a round her room."

I blankly looked at him to be honest I didn't know what to say. He was right in a way.

"Really you have nothing to say for yourself?" He questioned me further the rage flaring up in his beautiful deep chocolate eyes. I couldn't look away. I felt frozen in his fiery stare. He broke away his eyes from mine stepping back from me. Kaname stared down at the floor running a hand through his hair in frustration before balling his fist and swung his fist towards my face. I shut my eyes in anticipation but opened them when I felt no pain. His fist firmly planted into the wall next to my head.

"Why do you do this to me Zero." He questioned placing his other hand on the wall next to the right side of my head.

"You make me hate you." His eyes locked with mine. "And then you look at me like that and I can't help but ache for you." He continued to look at me growing more and more uncomfortable I didnt know what to do. I slowly raised my hand to my blazer pocket and felt for my bloody rose keeping eye contact with kuran I slipped the weapon out of my pocket, but was left in shock as a hand grapped my wrist slamming it back against the wall and making me drop my belived weapon. I hissed in pain as Kuran girpped tighter digging his nails into my skin hard enough that small streems of blood flowed down my arm.

"Why do you do these things to me Zero." He almost spat at me.

"Fuck you Kuran."

I was expecting a fight I was prepared for one but intead he stepped closer to me his face centimetres from mine.

"My pleasure."

He leaned in to kiss me painfully slowly. This would be the second time since Yuki got hurt I had been close to Kaname. My heart started to race his lips grazed against mine I could feel my cheeks growing red.

"I never new how eager you where Zero." He whispered hotly into my ear. Before swiftly kissing me. I felt wrong but I didn't want to fight it. We continued to kiss and he snaked his arm around my waist pulling me against him. His lips left mine as he looked down at me with a smirk by now am sure my face was glowing red. He softly tilted my chin up before placing sweet kisses down my neck. I couldn't help but let out a small moan this seenednto encourage the pure blood grestly as he begsn to bite and suck at my neck. It felt amazing and I couldnt control the noises I was making, my hands laced through thick chocolate hair shamelessly goving myself to a man I hate. Untill my vision blured and I felt excruciating pain. The basterd bit me.

"Ah. Kuran s-stop." I tried to pull his head back but with no success. A few moments later he released me from the bite. I immediately pulled away from the vampire, how dare he bite me.

"If you relaxed it would have felt amazing. Don't you want to feel good zero? I can make you feel extasy." I wanted to run but once again my body betrayed me as I let kuran slip his arms around me pulling me into a soft almost loving kiss as he trailed his hand up the front of my shirt dragging his nails firmly against my chest I felt myself flush trying to hold back from moaning into the pure bloods mouth. Kaname seemed to notice I was holding back and took it as a challenge his hands nowndropping to the waistband of my pants. He traced his fingers across the hem of my pants and I was struggling to contain myself. He undid my pants and slipped his hand straight down to grab my already erect manhood. I gasped in surprise but that quickly turned into pleasure. I was once again gasping and moaning at my enemy's touch and I loved it. He pumped my dick faster and faster making me moan uncontrollably I was almost wanted to scream it felt so good when he stopped. I was panting heavily with a confused expression on my face.

"Beg me." Kaname said with a sadistically sexy grin.

"W-what." I managed to pant out.

"You heard me zero beg me to make you cum." He smiled once again as he gently moved his hand up and down my cock and god it felt so good.

"Beg me Zero." He continued slowly touhing me.

"P-please faster." I panted out avoiding eye contact.

"You can do better than that come on Zero at least say my name." I new he was enjoying this and I think I was enjoying it more than I should be.

"Please Kaname faster." He granted my wish and I was so close.

"Kaname I'm gunna." I felt my release coming I was so close he sped up his move ments even more I hid my face with my hair as I came but he grabbed my chin roughly and made me look at him as I moaned out scrunching my face in pure extasy as he watched.

He leaned close to me giving me one last kiss before stating "Next time I'll make you mine." He then turned and continued to walk to back school leaving me in an ally to compose myself.

"What a dick." I said to myself buttoning up my pants.

《《Hey me again sorry if this is all spelled really wrong or is just terrible I got an idea at 3am and just ran with it tell me what you think comments and votes are appreciated
Love ya mea xx》》

A hospital, Anger and a KissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora