The end is the beginning

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<< Its been a while but hopefully this will please you all because you know i aim to please ;) >>

"Bold words from you hunter, Oh how touching. With your little pure blood lover around you see to have you spark back. Our first encounter was less than pleasurable."The man spoke he was clearly lost in insanity as he hugged himself laughing manically. 

"Shut your mouth bastard!" Zero charged forward in a fit of rage at the insane creature, Throwing his fists at its face only to be avoided. Zero continued attacking trying desperately to get a hit on this unreasonably fast level E, he didn't even see the counter attack that launched his halfway across the courtyard of the moon dorms. "Zero!" Yuki screamed running to the young hunters side. "Zero are you okay?" The hunter sat up and nodded he was slightly disorientated so when the girl handed him a small gun he paused for a second slightly confused before confidently rising to his feet. Zero aimed the anti vampire weapon at the monsters head and without a moments hesitation he pulled the trigger only, he missed? No. He Had shot someone a level e of no name. But where was he? 

"These games are over, leave here now." Kaname spoke from behind the two prefects, The pure blood placed a hand over both students eyes. Zero reached up frantically to get his vision back but before his hand reached the Kurans arm he felt a wave of dark wave of pressure pass over him and the surrounding area and for the first time the young hunter felt truly fearful of Kaname. Once Zero could see again he passed the small weapon back to Yuki before retrieving his own bloody rose. "Zero are you ok? You don't look very well." The silver haired boy didn't answer he just walked as confidently as he could back into the moon dorms. 

"Kaname what's wrong with Zero?" Yuki asked looking concerned for the others well being. "The power i used to expel the intruders may have had a negative effect on Kiryu but don't worry he will recover just fine." Kaname patted Yuki on the head and turned to walk away. "Umm Kaname, can i ask one more thing?" "Of course." Yuki started to blush as she asked"What did that man mean when he called zero your lover?" She shifted awkwardly avoiding the pure bloods gaze. "I'm not quite sure, you should get back to your duties i need to go calm the rest of the night class." Kaname turned walking away from the blushing girl. "Oh okay Kaname."  

Zero stumbled through the long as grand corridors of the moon dorms, he felt like he was going to be sick. 'Am i seriously lost? how is this place so big.' Zero thought to himself as he continued to stumble around slowly being blinded by the white and gold walls. He stumbled a few more feet until something more familiar came into view and it was not someone Zero wanted to see in his current condition. "Poor little Zero you should of been forced out of here with the rest of the scum." "Aido, fuck off." Zero hissed back at the noble."You must be delirious Hunter, don't worry i'll knock some sence into you." With that Aido swiftly kicked Zero in the side of the head and almost skipped away pleased with what he had achieved. Zero spat out a mouth full off blood 'I fucking hate that blonde prick, i can't even stand.' zero started to crawl still unclear if he was close to his dorm or not 'i need my clothes and my dignity although am sure that's not going to be in the pure bloods room.' Zero's vision started to fade as he lay his head on the floor. 'Today has not been my day.' 

Zero opened his eyes in the very room he had been searching for but he was not happy about it. "Zero your awake." Kaname spoke softly walking to his bedside. "Don't touch me." Zero spat rising to his feet and trying to storm away unfortunately his legs failed him and he fell only to be caught by the pure blood. "Zero you shouldn't push yourself." Zero struggled against the others grip. "No fuck this. fuck you, i do not need catching am not a damsel in fucking distress." zero regretted those words as he was dropped quickly onto the floor. "what the fuck was that." zero huffed crossing his arms like an angry child. "you didn't want to be caught so i dropped you." Kaname stated. "so what the the hell was that out there, why are those guys stalking the school." Zero asked. "At this point Zero i know as much as you do, although they seem different to other level e vampires i don't know what implications that has for defeating them. My theory as it stands is all we have to do is get rid of the leader and the group will fall back into the organised ways of a level E." Zero pulled himself up from the floor. "So are you worried." Kaname smiled at the hunter. "No, and you shouldn't be either." Kaname softly touched the bruised side of the hunter face. "Did he do this?" the hunter pulled away from the other vampire. "Does that really matter. You used to have no problem bruising my." Kaname cut the hunter off with a gentle kiss. "You complain about being a damsel but you play the part so well." Kaname chuckled as Zero shoved him harshly. "What time is it?" Zero asked putting on his blazer. "To late for leaving." 

<<so hopefully that's okay not sure, your feedback is what i need and i love to hear your thoughts and idea's so yeh just let me know love ya meaa xx >> 

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