Not again

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《《Okay its been a little while now but this is a short update alot of bad stuff happened recently which is thankfully resolved now :) but yeah I wanted to say thank you so much I never in a million years thought I would get this many views on my little fanfic I'm honestly shocked but yeah let me know what you think of this short chapter and if you think this is the right sort of direction to go in because after the break its been hard to start wrighting again anyways I'll shush now enjoy mea xx 》》

I woke up to the most gut wrenching scream I had ever heard. It cut through me like a knife. I rushed to my feet and dressed as quickly as possible not bothering to do up my shirt or tie. Kuran was gone, I only just noticed. Another scream sliced through the air to my ears. I grabbed my gun from the table and ran out of the moon dorms. I had in no way anticipated what was waiting for me. A full blown stand off between the night class and the same incredibly ordered group of level e's, and their leaded the same one that hurt Yuki.
"I will ask you one more time. Leave this place before I kill every last one of you." Kaname spoke calmly I wish I could say I felt the same but my blood boiled at the very sight of that creature. So I held up my gun and as I was about to pull the trigger I had the weapon stolen away from me. Fuck there god damn everywhere. I took a moment to re examine my surroundings and my suspicions where confirmed they where in the trees and on top of the building. My bloody rose now lay useless at least 4 meters away from me. I could do nothing but stand and wait with the rest of the night class for Kuran to try and fix the situation.
"I'm not sure if you heard me." His voice sounded more threatening this time. He was loosing patience with those lower level scum bags. Then he started laughing the no good basterd that nearly killed my sister.
"How dare you laught at lord Kaname!" Aidou shouted lunging at the creature.
"You shall pay with your life!" Ruka screamed following Aidou into battle.
The intruder swiftly moved out of their way and his eyes caught mine.
"Kiryu just who I was looking for, I think its time we became better acquainted with one another. Don't you."
All eyes fell to me I was confused to say the least I did just wake up and now am already pissed beyond belief.
"I think I know you well enough. Your the monster that tried to kill Yuki and I think its time I put you down."

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