So what do we do now?

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Waking up in Kaname's bed was something Zero could get used to waking up here, the night class dorms are like staying in a five star hotel. But the bliss was short lived as the events of the day before played back in his head. He rolled over to find sparkling brown eyes staring up at him though chocolate strands of hair, when Zero started describing the pure blood in such a gentle way he couldn't quite remember maybe it was when he started falling for the vampire.

"Kaname, we need to talk."

"Well that's not the words i wanted to here first thing when i wake up but i suppose you are right." The pure blood sighed sitting up in bed.

"Do you have any thoughts about how to deal with these level e blood suckers they can't be allowed to freely enter the school grounds so just tell me this Kaname, do you have control or am i going to have to take this to the hunters association for this because this kind of thing can't happen." Zero's expression is one of concern.

"I assure you zero we will run perimeter checks in an orderly fashion to prevent anymore unwanted visits..."

"Can you tell me that putting your vampires on patrol is any less dangerous than having the level e's run free. Aido for one is like a wild animal just waiting savage half the school and the rest of them don't seem far behind."

"Zero if you have concerns with how i run things then say so."

"I just did."  Zero got up putting on his crumpled uniform and heading towards the door. "I'll consult cross first but i'm not sure how seriously he will take me, that man has far to much faith in you."

Zero headed over to the sun dorms checking the time on the way to discover that he had missed the full day of classes as he expected he would, Yuki will give him hell for sure. Zero went back to his dorm and got showered and changed before the night class started so for the first time in a long time he was on time to help Yuki with the horde of screaming students.

"zero, its nice to see you show up have you recovered?" Yuki asked with genuine concern in her eyes.

"I'm fine Yuki, don't worry about me we have to have a meeting about school security tho." Zero said seriously catching the young girl off guard.

"Yes i agree, we should have dinner with headmaster and Kaname." Zero simply nodded at that notion.

Everything went rather smoothly that day for Zero at least the only thing that seemed odd was the cold stare that the pure blood gave to him during class crossover and unfortunately that had the young hunters head spinning, being on patrol late into the night gave him far to much time alone with his thoughts. 'What am i to him, what are we? have i hurt him, but what i said wasn't about us it's about everyone's safety. Maybe i should say sorry, would he care, would he even accept it. sole searching is tiring.' Zero leaned back against a tree and sighed he liked it better when things were simple and he just felt hate towards the prince, now he wasn't sure what to do.


Zero was almost thankful to hear yuki's scream as he bolted towards the sound. When he arrived at the scene he saw a similar scene to the night he froze yuki cornered by one rouge vampire who got to greedy for his own good revenge is a dish best served cold they say and this early winter night seemed perfect for the occasion. Zero reached into his blazer pocket pulling out his bloody rose that fit so perfectly in his hand and before the creature could even turn to look at him he pulled the trigger killing the feral creature in one shot, and it felt good.

"Yuki, are you okay." The hunter said rushing to his sisters side.

"i'm fine zero thank you, we have to tell headmaster."

Zero nodded guiding the slightly spooked girl to her adoptive fathers office.Much to Zero's disappointment he found the pure blood waiting for the pair in cross's office.

"Yuki was attacked i think its best she stays here am heading back out." Zero said exiting the room.

"Ohh my baby girl not again give daddy a hug." Zero heard the headmaster exclaiming as he left making him smirk, that mans insane. Zero did several thorough rounds of the school grounds and didnt start returning to his dorms before the sun had started to rise.

"Zero i see your finally taking your job seriously i see." Zero stopped turning towards the vampire he didn't want to see giving him the most deadly glare his tired eyes could muster.
"You've been a foul mood all day zero." Kaname sighed.

"Why are you checking up on me Kuran it's not your job." Zero spat.

"Why have you always got to make things so god damned difficult Zero i care why can't you understand that."

"What are you playing at you hate me and i hate you simple, i'm going to bed." Zero continued his walk back to his dorm but as he expected the pure blood grabbed hold of him.

"you hate me do you, its not that simple is it zero." Kaname said wrapping his arm around the hunters waist.

"Kuran i don't want to do this right n.." Zero was cut off by the pure blood's soft lips meeting his, Kaname pulled the silver haired boy closer into a gentle embrace. Kaname pulled back leaving Zero in a trace and the prince brushed strands of sliver hair out of the boys lavender eyes.

"Kaname what are we?" Zero asked with a small yawn.

"Let's go to bed Zero."

<< so yeah enjoy i kinda wanted to set things up story wise so hope i don't disappoint you all love you guys meaa <3 <3 i was also kinda thinking i should have a proper cover made for this if you have any idea's of what the book cover should be like or u feel generous enough to make one or send suggestions i would greatly appreciate it <3 <3  >>

A hospital, Anger and a Kissحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن