.A hospital, Anger and a Kiss

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First thing I have wrote in a long time thought I would get back into it so heres a little KanameXzero

I sat in complete silence, I couldn't believe what I had just let happen. Yes I let it happen and no I'm not being to hard on myself. Yuki got hurt today and it was all my fault.

I looked across the room to see Kuran the pure blood smug fucking staring it me, I know what I did those psycho eyes he's throwing me arent going to change anything. I wish they could at this point I wish anything could change what happened but it cant, the level E got in the school on my watch it got Yuki on my watch I was so close.

Damn it. I stood up frustrated why won't they tell us anything is she alright just tell me she's okay. I couldn't live anymore if she wasn't how could I, all I ever wanted to do was protect her she's like my little sister. No she is my sister, family I wish I had told her that. Did she even know how much I love her. oh god what if she'll never know.

I can't stop thinking I wish someone would break the silence but as I paced the room they all just stared, wishing it was me in the hospital and not her. I could feel myself getting angry with them all, they didnt even have to say it, and I wish it was me to.

Finally someone emerged from the operating room. "miss cross is going to be fine shes very lucky. she's in a stable condition but wont come around from the anesthesia untill tomorrow so I suggest you all go home and get some rest."

The sigh of relief echoed through the room as many tired faces geared up for the trip back to school. Kurans death stare however still had not broken from me. Not even when we were told Yuki's condition.

As we enetered the school grounds I was falling asleep the sun was due to rise but instead of continuing up the path the my soft bed I was roughly dragged into the tree's. When I turned to see who it was I was greeted my a fist brutally colliding with my jaw. I hardly had time to register what had happened before I was shoved up against a tree.

I hissed in pain. "shut up, your pathetic." Kaname Kuran spoke his words dripping with venom. "I know."

"What?" he laughed in my face "your not even going to defend yourself, I expected more from you Zero." I hung my head in shame but he grabbed my chin harshly. "did you enjoy it Zero seeing her flesh get ripped into? I'm sure you found the smell intoxicating."

my eyed widened I started into Kurans red eyes in discust and horror why would he say such things, why even think of them, this wasn't just anyone this was Yuki.

"Awh come on Zero don't tell me you haven't dreamed about doing exactly that."

"No you sick fuck!"

He looked at me for a moment before tracing his finger over my cheek. "I guess your right, your far to weak." he pulled his hand away from my face only to quickly return it with a swift punch.

"So very weak, no wonder you couldn't help her."

"shut up!"

"she put her trust in you and you just left her."

"shut up!"

"How could you leave her Zero she was as good as dead."


I cried out I new he was taunting me for this reaction but I couldnt help it. tears streamed down my face and I started thrashing around trying to break free of the purebloods grip.

"Just kill me already!"

The pure blood seemed a little shocked.

"that's what you dragged me aside for it wasn't just to taunt me so please do it. You'll be saving me the trouble"

Kaname just stared at me as I continued to cry uncontrollably I dont know why he was staring or why he hadnt at least hit me yet but what suprised me the most is what he said.

"You want to hurt yourself."

"more than ever so you going to do the honnors or not." I managed to choke out through my tears.

he lifted my head up once again and I braised myself for the harsh blow but instead I felt his hand delicately hold the side of my face, and warm soft lips press against mine. I felt tears welling up for a different reason now, after what I did he cares about me. He pulled away slowly pressing his forehead against mine.

"Don't do anything stupid."

The pureblood walked away from me and I fell to my knees why did he do that and why wasn't I angry that he did. I looked up the morning sun was rising I dragged myself to my feet I better get to my dorm.

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