the morning after the night before

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I woke up feeling dirty, the kind of dirty that no matter how long I stood under the hot water of my shower it wasn't washing off. I couldn't believe what I had done, what I had let happen. What if Yuki found out, I'm more than sure she has feelings for that pure blooded monster. Oh god not only would I have almost caused her death but now I had taken away someone she loved. I don't think kuran will tell anyone surely not he would be embarrassed to be doing such things with a level D like me. I just need to calm down and go to class, and that's what I did granted I was already 20 minutes late to my first lesson but what the hell I was hardly there anyways.

I walked into the class room and all eyed fell on me and just as quickly back down to their work as they realised it was me who was late and no one important. My teacher sighed and motioned me to take a seat which I did choosing to sit by the window so I could daydream easier. As I stared out my class room window my thoughts came back to Kuran, what did it all mean. Was I part of a game, was I a lapse of judgement or was I something more to him. My own mind wad very devived on the topic it was the classic hearts saying yes and head saying no. Then my pride just didn't want to accept anything really happened at all.

The bell rang and I left the classroom along with the other students. I didnt really talk to them. I didn't feel I should, I was a monster who hunted my own kind what kind of human wants that kind of baggage as a friend. I suppose that's always as I saw myself, as a burden that no one should have to bare. It's not that I didn't want to have friends and fit in I just couldn't. I was stuck, my demons my only company, now that Yuki was away that was more true than ever.

I went to my next class and tried to pay attention. I jotted down a few notes and tried to look interested my teacher even smiled at me she must of noticed me making an effort but it all felt so in vain. I could die any day now, I could even be killed by the night class students on the school grounds. History didn't seem very important if you don't have a future.

As the day came to an end and I sat in my final class room my thoughts once again turned to the pure blood. I couldn't help but think about him, I understood why the night clads worshiped him so much not only for his status but he was perfect. The only thing wrong with him was his attitude towards me and I think that was self inflicted. I don't mean to be so blunt or so quick to anger but it's like a default setting its so much easier to get angry than to face what you really feel.

School was over and in a short while Kuran and his disgusting followers would emerge from the moon dorms like gods. I wasn't really prepared to come face to face with Kaname but I didn't have a choice without Yuki here I had to do my prefect duties or some idiot girl might get hurt.

Five minutes till they emerge and already the croud of girls from the day class was huge they where desperate to get a peek at the creatures they adored. If they new the truth would they think any different, I hoped so but its highly doubtful they would probably offer it up on a plate more litterally than their doing right now.

I heard gasps followed by screams and I new they had started exiting the moon dorms I pushed my way to the front of the crowd and made sure no one got out of line. I was so preoccupied monitoring the huge crowd I jumped a little when a hand fell on my shoulder. I was even more surprised to see kaname standing next to me.

"After class I need to speak with you." He whispered in my ear. I felt my face flush slightly although he ignored me and waved at the girls.

"Back in line Kuran!" I spat at kaname. "As for the rest of you get to your dorms! Now!" As the night class where no longer in veiw the girls complied and left.

I sighed entering my dorm. I flopped down onto my bed. I forgot how tiring it is to actually go to class. I had to go on patrol soon too.

"Neglecting your duties as always I see."

I woke up to see Kaname sat in a hair across my room.

"Fuck you." Was all I managed to say I was still so tired.

"That's no way to treat a house guest Zero." He said with a smug look on his face.

"House guests don't break in through the window." I said motioning to my newlynopened bedroom window.

"I suppose your right." He laughed softly.

"What do you want." I stated bluntly unsure what was so important to break into my room and wake me up.

"I don't want you getting the wrong impression Zero, about our little incident last night." My heart stared beating faster as he walked over to the bed I was now sat on."I was just so angry at you, I do care for you Zero." He raised his hand to touch the side of my face and smiled. "I hope you understand." He leaned down and kissed me softly. He tasted so sweet and his lips were so soft and warm. I guess I didn't have time to take any of that in. He broke the kiss pressing his forehead against mine. "You should get back to sleep Zero it's late." With that he left and without thinking I did what he said I removed my uniform and climbed into bed sleep taking me almost instantly.

《《So this was a quick update hope you enjoy ;) keep voting and commenting if you want to see more and feel free to share with me what you would like to happen I have no real idea where this story is heading so help would be great enjoy lots of love mea xx》》

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