Unexpected Circumstances

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Thank you all for the support! Obligatory gore warning ofc. Also some Broadcaster lore)

Leary yawned. Life now wasn't the lesst bit intresting nor was the horrible losing streak that the Blue Team had beem on. For the Magic user, he was tired of playing by the fucking rules, especially now that Morgan had found him.

Leary finished his soup and pushed the bowl away from him before standing up and walking to his room. He unlocked the door and went inside, immediately locking the door and checking to make sure nobody was around and that nothing was recording.

He looked around and grinned before grabbing his prisoner, the blue Delinquent. He tried to scream but the gag in his mouth prevented him from doing so. Leary laughed and raised the Blue Delinquent so that he was eye to eye with Leary.

He inhaled, and blew out pitch black smoke with strange particles mixed in. The Delinquent started to struggle more and escape so he wouldn't inhale the smoke. Unfortunately his attempts were futile and he ended up breathing a lungful of the stuff that surrounded him.

He coughed and breathed more in, he had no choice. Leary dropped the blue delinquent onto the floor and watched from on top of his bed. The Delinquent moaned softly for some reason and then seized up, squirming around.

The rope holding his hands behind his back snapped as they swiftly mutated into larger, bulkier arms protected with hardened scale plates. His body rapidly mutated until the Delinquent looked like some strange, semi muscular demonic humanoid creature with sharp claws on its hands and feet.

The creature looked around and drooled. Leary got up and dragged his creation towards the bathroom, thankfully it obeyed for the most part and squeezed into the small bathroom. Leary made it kneel before the tub and the creature got a good look at what was inside.

Pitch black mud-like sludge. It smelled God-awful up close like rotting corpses and if one looked close they could see small pieces of the bodies of humans that met their fates in the sludge since the beginning of humanity.

Leary sighed and dunked the head of the delinquent monster in. It screeched and thrashed around, clawing Leary in its panic and confusion along with ripping the rest of whatever little clothes managed to stay on it. The hat fell off into the sludge and to Leary's surprise it disintegrated almost immediately.

Realizing what this meant for his experiment, Leary quickly pulled the monster out and wiped its face, or what was left of it clean. The scales covering its face were mostly gone from the sludge and the inner flesh and muscle was exposed. The creature gurgled in pain and tried to lumber away since it was mostly incapable of running.

Leary didn't let it get far and instead shoved the monster to the floor as soon as it cleared the bathroom. He examined his work, tracing his fingers delicately along it's body. He never thought of a name for these zombie-like brutes that he could make. After a moment of thinking, he came up with one.

"You are my first somewhat successful experiment. I shall call you and your comrades Titan Stalkers."

The titan stalker gurgled at the sound of Leary's cold, unforgiving voice before passing out for some reason. Leary jumped back in surprise as it fell to the floor with a loud flood before picking the Stalker up and laying it on the bed.

"I need to make more if I am to ever overtake all of Arsenal. But where should I get the victims? And should I have to worry about them passing out?"

Leary shrugged before grabbing some leftover food container that he had left on his nightstand last night. Now that he could make a perfect Titan Stalker army he just needed that stupid knife to make his plan foolproof. He grinned and proceeded to eat his leftovers from Applebees to pass the time until his monster woke up.

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