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Blood and gore warning lol. I also updated the mechanics chapter (specifically character names) so go read that if u wanna. Thank yall for your support and I hope you enjoy since it only gets worse from here. :) )

As silent as possible, the mercenary ran across the damp grass, a neko ran alongside him. A childish excitement running through the both of them.

All he needed to clear was that tall bush, and then his target would be there on the other side, most likely on high alert or asleep. Either or.

Jumping over the bush with the neko following suit, he was met by a woman around two years younger than him, sleeping on the ground with a jacket draped over her like a blanket.

"Wait... This can't be right!"

A sickening crack was heard as a fist connected with his ribs, the neko automatically drew her weapon, an mp5.

The mercenary fell flat on his back and laid there while his fast healing kicked in. A somewhat rough-sounding laughter was heard and the neko immediately perked up, awaiting the enemy.

He stepped out of the shadows. His old friend that dissappeared for 15 years after the mercenary joined the Phantoms, Erik Morgan.

Well, he had certainly grown a lot to say the least, age did him well as now instead of the slightly chubby nervous wreck that he was back then, he was confident, tall, strong enough to crack some of his ribs with ease as he had just demonstrated. Even though his voice had become sinister and still contained that southern accent, it still felt like him.

"Hah! Seems like I was able to knock down the great Striker, eh!? How the fuck are you doing?"

Striker grinned. He remembered their childhood games. This was the Erik he remembered.

"Erik! I see you finally got the courage to even think of attempting that!"

"Yeah, and it felt good finally landing that blow."

The neko perked up and lowered her gun, registering her old friend. Her fellow non-human. She tackled him into a hug, and to her surprise, he hugged her back with a strong hug.

"And you Anti, I knew you were around there somewhere. How's it been?"

"Hi Erik, It's been alright, lots of fun battles that you missed out on."

"Yeah Erik, you missed out on a lot of fun battles! We killed some sorcerers as well for ya!"

"Well thanks Striker, Anti. But well, you know. I've no business fighting against the Ghost mercenary group like Anti or just being a mercenary in general..."

"Eh? Well it's okay, me and Anti understand. Just tell me though, have you used your ability after what happened?"

"And has anybody else tried to hurt you over it?"


Erik sighed, it would've come to this sooner or later. Better now while Communicator was asleep and docile. He breathed in and exhaled, calming the tension already forming. Anti went on to go explore the Arsenal campus leaving just Erik and Striker.

"Well, I've maybe used it once or twice. Enough to cover my arm and deal decent damage. It's also surprisingly compatable with Wendigo skulls. Apart from that accidential discovery, I don't ever want to fully use it, better to not attract attention."

"I see... but you know that Anti has almost the same problem and still doesn't cover up her ears and tail."

"Anti is different... she isn't seen as a pet, or a monster. I think I went over that with you."

Dark DeceptionsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora