Smoke Signals

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Thanks y'all for your support. Anyways here's the obligatoty blood/gore warning ._.

Also I think I updated the intro to mechanics and shit, go take a look at that ig)

Erik made it back and stomped his way up to his room, promptly falling asleep on the bed like a dumbass instead of fighting the imposter. To him, it could wait.

A few hours later and a shower later, he armed himself, grabbing his mp7 and grabbing his tactical shovel. He then stared at his right hand, lost in thought.

His right hand turned black all the way down to his elbow and took on a sharp, scaly texture with fingers that ended in wickedly sharp claws, it seemed to suck in the light. As fast as the change came it went away. Erik made a fist with his right hand before walking out to go take care of the nusciance, making sure that his hand was truly normal and not revealing exactly what kind of abomination he was.


Brandon slowly woke up, feeling disoriented, sore, tired, and terrible. His vision cleared revealing that he was at the infirmary again, a quick look around at the expense of getting a burning hot pain stabbing though his entire body along with the protests of sore muscles revealed that he was alone.

There was no point in sitting up, yet he did anyways, enduring the pain, he had to know if Lienna was alright. The last thing he did remember before most likely passing out was wrapping her bloody, injured, unconscious body in his jacket after he had found her near the smaller glacier with the antenna near the big main one.

She had suffered stab wounds and a couple of gunshot wounds, truly a terrible sight as blood pooled out and stained the ice in a sickening dark red. It took Brandon all he had to swim over there, bandage and wrap her to keep her warm, and swim back while carrying Lienna and make sure she didn't get wet

After he made it back to the main glacier, the perpetrators were nowhere to be seen to Brandon's knowledge and so, after carrying his friend to the secret ice cave behind the Tix bag, he gently set her on the ground and laid down next to Lienna, hugging her tight to help warm her up. He knew that he was basically getting covered in her blood but he didn't care, he had to still protect her no matter what if they came back to finish the job.

Brandon assumed that he had blacked out after that but still tried his damnedest to remember any extra details, anything that stuck out, anything that pointed to Lienna most likely being alive.

After a few minutes, he grew tired and laid back down on his hospital bed. He felt a void in him that ached for the familiar company of his dear friend. He desperately needed a sliver of hope, something to believe that she was still alive.

Yet his mind came up blank. He whimpered, blaming himself for not being able to protect his friend better. Whimpers turned to crying and once again, his mind grew fuzzy and his eyelids heavy as sleep claimed him once more, not noticing that his hat was gone.


Erik had cornered the fucker, casually tossing his tactical shovel from one hand to the other. He raised it, as fast as it went up it came down, cutting the blue Broadcaster in half from his shoulder to his lower torso.

Blood splashed, no sprayed everywhere along with thick, black smoke with some strange particles in it. It surrounded Erik just like the blood and he breathed it in, coughing and gasping for air.

His pulse quickened and his pupils dilated, Erik tried to remain calm but could not, he fell to the floor and thrashed around as if he were being attacked by an invisible enemy.

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