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Hey hey hey! Been a hot minute! Thank yall for reading!

Now for a fun fact: Leary has smoke as stated before but it's weak and he has to take suppliments to strengthen it. His magic is a zombie brute transformation magic.)

It wasn't long until Brandon could walk again. Well, more like he got tired of laying around so he got up and walked around despite the pain. Wondering why they didn't just use a medkit to heal him, he walked out of the room and checked himself out of the hospital with Medic.

He walked to his room. He needed to clear his head and truly examine his wounds. And also think about the half-truth he told Lienna.

He didn't tell her everything. He knows it. Whether it be fear of getting captured again, or his past trauma, or anything else. Nobody should know. They should never find out.

He remembered Tobuk. And he remembered his countless battles against human-like creatures known as Sorcerers or magicians, not to be confused with Magician or his Phantom Thief twin who was in a league of his own.

Finally, he arrived at his shared apartment and opened the door, the cold welcomed him and he quickly went inside and shut the door, then walking to his room. He closed the door before taking his coat and shirt off. It was an ugly wound, but he wasn't a stranger to those, seeing as his broad, muscular chest was full of them.

Brandon was 6'3 and built like a bear, he got lots of attention because of that fact. Usually women who were into tall guys. He sighed and opened the door to his room, going to the bathroom and wetting a small towel with warm water before rubbing it on the excess blood that had dried.

He gently poked the wound and to his surprise, it didn't hurt as bad as he thought. Still, it wasn't a good idea to touch it. He gently cleaned the wound and got some gauze from the medicine cabinet, wrapping it around his waist where the wound was before securing it with medical tape.

After he was done, he went back to his room and put on a clean light grey shirt, throwing the old, bloodied one away. He did the same to his old jacket as well. He already had two others that were similar.

Brandon glanced at the knife. He knew what it was. The legendary store's knife. Not many people knew about it since only a handful of people made it out of the hole, and even fewer made it out of the sorcerer's realm (a worse place than hole) alive. It was a weapon made out of the infamous Store's wings. It would grow every 10,000 years. A powerful weapon at the cost that it was heavy as fuck.

Brandon took the knife with him and went to mechanic, it was time to give it a sheath and also custom order some weapons, later he'd go talk to Lienna.

Erik waited outside when night fell, around 11 PM. Lighting up a cigarette for a smoke as he sat on a bench, he yelled at himself mentally.

"You don't smoke, fucking dipshit. Haven't smoked in a long while so why start again?"

He turned around suddenly, having sensed something, or somebody. He breathed out, not realizing that he was holding his breath. Communicator approached him and sat down next to him.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Yeah, well you did a very good job of not scaring me."

Erik chuckled before going silent. Communicator did the same, resting her head on his shoulder. Erik gebtly wrapped his arm around her and the two sat in silence for a long while, watching a couple raccoons fight over some bread under the dim light of a full moon. It was like that until Communicator broke the silence.

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