A Fair Warning

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A/N: Yoo! so sorry for the break, I've been so busy and forgot this existed, I should be able to write more often since Ive recently got a surgery that forced me to rest. As for now, enjoy this chapter! :D)

Brick had woken up in a strange, rancid smelling, cold place... On what seemed to be some makeshift mattress cushion covered in a thick dark blue blanket. Wouldn't be the worst or the strangest thing that had happened to him, at least he was somewhat fine despite having thrown hands with a whole ass demon earlier...

Or whatever that creature- that THING was...

Sbifting to other matters, specifically to a quick jog of his memory before waking up in this strange location to say he was both in shock and awe was an understatement. that fucker had actually CAUGHT an RPG, with his bare hands, and threw that sucker right back.

Now was not the time to think about Though, Brick needed to find out exactly where the hell he was. And so he got to work on examining his surroundings...

"...Oh no"

The one time that Brick knew where he was just had to be back there. Well that fucking makes his day... At least a lot of things started to make sense now... At least he wasn't rotting in a landfill... Could be worse, right??

A crack and a rumble of some giant thing landing on the ground interrupted his thoughts, the clopping of hooves against the rocky terrain. Quickly, Brick pretended he was still fast asleep, as to not attract the attention of that furry fuck, or whatever it was.

Naturally, Brick was stressed out and close to having a panic attack, multiple scenarions ran through his head like a machine running calculations, spinning faster and faster, bringing up nausea and a massive migrane. No matter what he did to attempt to calm himself down, it simply didn't work. from thinking about something nice (which later on lead to a painful memory of him and his family that he left in shambles when he left for Arsenal.) To attempting to regulate his breathing.

The horse (or whatever that creature was) hooves clopped away, throwing some strange.... cylinder shaped object.

That did it. He exhaled strongly through his nose, a smile cracking on his face amidst tears. Brick was a child at heart, sure. But who'd be able to stifle laughter when you just saw your RPG get thrown near him, a new phrase stenciled on the side.

"Mega Horny Fuck Squad"

He wanted to keep it. Display it in his room as a sort of trophy. yes, It's not everyday you get such a dumbass remark scrawled onto your weapon and as stupid as it was, it helped calm Brick down so he could think properly.

Not that he needed to do much thinking, the plan was straighforward and he knew where he was, the pit that him, Rookie, Benjamin, and those two had found, with the sludge. The smell, the sickening sound of the sludge bubbling, and overall the eeriness of the area.

Wasting no time, he got up, practially jumping out of where he was laying down.

Bad mistake.

He was met with a searing pain in his left leg as pressure was applied to it. FUCK, IT JUST HAD TO BE SPRAINED. Not a problem, Brick tried walking it off, picking his RPG up off the ground and slinging it over his right shoulder as to not put more pressure on his leg, then hobbling out towards the passageway leading to the maintenence room? Or at least that's what he remembered it as.

After the very long walk, made worse by his injury, there was a tarp at the end, covering the hole the red panda brute made when it smashed through. Brick ducked through to freedom and limped over to the elevator, pressing the "up" button on it.
As he waited, the exhaustion from walking with a sprained ankle, the ungodly pain, and the other various sores caught up to him. He passed out right then and there as a ding sounded, signifying the elevator had made its way to the bottom.
It had been a month now since the discovery of the sludge pit. The world in itself looked a little bleak, cold, unforgiving. The familiar chill of winter nipped at the Arsenal players during matches and during their breaks.

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