Who's out there?

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A/n: Updated some names in the intro. Hope y'all enjoy this mess. Also thank y'all for all the reads! Anyways blood warning, of course.)

Erik woke up in the same clearing. He had no idea how long he'd been out and he didn't want to know. His entire body was sore still from getting knocked around like a toy boat in an ocean storm. He pulled out his phone from his pocket only to find it shattered and nothing more than a glorified brick.

"You owe me a new phone, stupid fuck..."

Erik hissed out the sentence through gritted teeth, angry not only at the fact that he had lost his phone, but that it had broken, a fucking nokia phone... BROKEN. He was pretty much cut off from the world since he had taken his gear offline. A stupid mistake but he never expected this to happen, nor did he expect Leary to fucking scramble him like an egg.

He wasn't going to be moving in a while and seeing as he wasn't in immedeate harm, Erik rolled over onto his back and sighed, letting himself be calmed with the sereneness of the forest.


Brandon had woken up. As usual, Lienna was next to him. He smiled and gently hugged her, then letting go and standing up to go get some food for him and Lienna since he assumed that she'd be hungry as well.

As soon as he made it down, Brickbattle approached him and putting his RPG down, leaning on it. Clearly he was either in the mood for doing something stupid or having a conversation. That was the funny thing about Brickbattle, or Brick Hernandez as he was known as before Arsenal. He was always friendly with everybody and loved talking, making trouble, rocket jumping, and taking care of his prized RPG. Brick waved at Brandon and grinned.

"Hey Brandon, welcome back my man! I knew that no dumb Blue team could take you down!"

"Thanks Brick, feels real good to be back!"

"No problem man, good to see that you're well enough to be walkin' around at least."

"Well, I really should still be in bed but it doesn't hurt as bad as yesterday and as long as I don't overwork myself, I should be alright."

"I see... Well, you need any help with anything? I'd be more than delighted to help."

"Well, yeah, you mind helping me get food for me and Red Panda?"

"Eh? She's still in your room? Awww, I think she likes you Brandon, seeing how much she spends time with you and trusts you."

Brandon was caught off-guard by Brick's response, so much so that for the first time in life, he was at a loss for words. He did enjoy Lienna's friendship along with the time they spent together but never did he consider getting into a relationship with her. Besides, it was pretty much known that Lienna had been through a horrible relationship that ended up with one of the two dead along with two other people. Besides, to Brandon, he wasn't nearly as nice as Lienna, nor did he deserve a friend such as her in his own opinion.

He sighed and calmed himself down mentally before responding.

"Uh Brick, she likes me as a friend, nothing more. Besides, well, you know..."

Brick nodded, he understood and the two shuffled through the line to get food in a somewhat awkward silence. They got the food and Brandon went back up to Lienna with his plate and another for her. By the time he made it up Lienna was still asleep with 30 minutes to go before the group fighting today would be called.


Brick smiled as he did a perfect rocket jump, backflipping through the air as he reloaded and then blasted the poor Green Rookie that didn't bother to check up above to Kingdom Come. The body of the Blue Breacher fell down behind him and Smiles whistled before laughing and waving at Brick, having successfully protected a teammate from his small castle hideout and earning the Baretta while Brick got the DB shotgun, rocket jumping to the top of the castle, just in time to see the Blue Boi cut Smiles into pieces with a combat knife before he could even notice or watch the Yellow Cow he shot die.

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