Red and Blue

414 6 3

A/n: Dammit, I'm late again. Blame Pre-Calc and just a bunch of other things ._.)

The Red Broadcaster stood on top of the Blue team's apartment. Standing in front of him was the Blue Boi holding a G-18.

"Well, well well. If it isn't the infamous Erik Morgan... The Red Broadcaster!"

"Well who's asking, Mitch Leary..."

Broadcaster, or as he was known by, Erik grit his teeth. The little (Well, not really little) bastard had found out his real name. Erik had a slight suspicion that this would happen so he played the same game on Leary, the Blue boi. The wind picked up and stung Erik's face like deathly claws of ice, rustling his clothes and somewhat messing up his hair. It was going to rain, it gave off the feeling.

Leary smiled at Erik before letting out a rumbling laugh. He had Erik where he wanted him and now it was time. Leary lunged at Erik with a shiny new dagger, Erik easily jumped over him and proceeded to use Leary as a springboard to jump off the building, onto the fire escape, and finally ducking inside the building, running all the way down as Leary's angry protests grew louder behind him.

A knife was thrown, some gunshots, surprisingly all Erik suffered was a cut from when the knife grazed his arm, blood trickled down from the wound and stained the floors and wall, not that he really cared, to him it was a way to mildly piss off Leary who was about to round the corner that Erik had passed seconds ago.

He ducked into a dark corner and tripped Leary as he ran past, sending him straight into a wall. Erik laughed before running off, leaving his opponent with his head stuck in the wall. There was now 20 minutes before everybody usually awakens, or at least that's what Erik's watch read.

He had woken up at three in the morning to meet Leary up at the roof of the apartment of the Blue team, it obviously hadn't gone as planned and between the waiting and the short fight, Erik had wasted valuable time and now had to get back before the time hit six AM, almost like a game of Five Nights at Freddy's.

He chuckled at the thought before running off back to the Red apartment so he could go clean off the rust and grime that had gotten on him when he jumped onto the fire escape, he also had to change since being seen in a Hawaiian shirt and cargo pants wasn't a really good look for him on top of now being dirtied, the rain came down in a downpour.

He had made it at last, Erik was now at the entrance to the apartment complex. Stealthily entering and sneaking back to his apartment to take a shower it was, he hadn't really gained anything useful from his confrontation with Leary but at least Erik had intimidated the guy a little, right?

After a quick shower and an arguement with his roomate about where his bulletproof vest was, Erik was ready to head out and get some food with his roommate and Communicator, something they had been planning for a couple of days because of their schedules.


Brandon woke up in his bed, confused and disoriented. The last thing he remembered was his fight with the Blue Boi before he had knocked him out and passed out himself. He was fine? Even though he had gotten stabbed? Nothing made sense to him and he wasn't about to think too hard on it.

A glance to his left revealed that Lienna was there, sleeping on the couch. Brandon didn't like that she slept on the uncomfortable couch so he forced himself up, despite the pain in his torso. It's the stab wound, isn't it. Brandon carefully walked over to the couch and gently picked Lienna up, then carrying her to his bed so she could stay warm under the covers and not have to sleep on a rock or in this case, hard couch.

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