The dangers of Arsenal

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A/N: Sorry for no upload in a while, was taking a break, also personal stuff mixed with YT channel stuff

It was time. A day had passed and now it was time for Brandon to go do a full match. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, the new guy, Chupacabra had been switched out with Lienna, or as she was  known by in Arsenal, Red Panda. Brandon had spent most of the morning polishing his knife or talking to his teammates which consisted of Broadcaster, Communicator, Wendigo, Rookie, Material Man, Campbell, Brick battle, and Red Panda. The map for fhe first match was going to be in the Sandtown zone on competitive mode. Brandon HATED the hot zones with a passion. He felt most at home at the glacier zone but he really didn't have a choice. It was either switch out and let his friend Lienna go alone or tough it out. Brandon wasn't one to leave his friends to fend for himself so the choice was obvious.

They were each given their weapons, AWPs. They went to their positions, the bell rang, the match now started. Brandon was able to noscope the other team's Retro Zombie and got a Deagle from the kill which he used to kill a guy behind Lienna while she was too focused on aiming at the blue team's Scarecrow who was killed as well. Brandon now had a crossbow. He couldn't breathe, it was too hot, his body felt too heavy so he sat down on a barrel and removed his ushanka.

He was immediately killed by the Blue Retro Zombie, a headshot. He respawned, now with a massive headache on top of it, still he pressed on and scored some backstabs with his butterfly knife and headshots on the blue team, going from m9, to Dragunov, to flamethrower, to minigun, and finally the gun he had, the trench shotgun.

You have to use the knife at some point, He thought. It would definitely help a lot, espically since the Blue Boi was getting cocky and constantly spawnkilling Brandon's teammates. A perfect target if Brandon ever saw one. He put a strap on the trench shotgun and slung it over his shoulder before taking out the strange knife. Its damaged edge dully reflecting the light.

He jumped off of the building down to where the Blue Boi and his two teammates Hidden Star and Scarecrow were, swinging the knife as he fell. It cut through them easily with only the wind resistance leaving an unholy amount of carnage under Brandon's combat boots.

He gagged, the smell was atrocious to say the least. Brandon ran off to hide, the knife that he dragged with him engulfed in white flames. Lienna saw what Brandon had done and also the condition of the knife. Why is it engulfed in fire? Why did he do that? Those were the only two questions going through her mind and she didn't think that she would get an answer.

Later that day, after the matches were over, Brandon went to his room to lie down. He did not feel okay, his entire body hurt, he had multiple wounds from the overeager Blue Boi, and his head felt like it had been slammed into a brick wall, yet he still had something to take care of.


Lienna lay in her room watching TV and eating ramen. She was worried about Brandon but he had dissapeared yet again before she had a chance to talk to him like he did before he knew her. She had knocked on the door to his room with no response from him.

Later, during the night, Lienna was up and sitting alone in the common area drinking a hot tea. She couldn't sleep at all, so now here she was, drinking tea in the middle of the night. Lienna herself was no stranger to the night at all and in fact used to stay up with her mother when she was younger to look at the stars. It was a grand life back then and Lienna missed it.

As soon as the memories started, they were interrupted by a shatteting of glass and some whispering, Lienna carefully put her tea down and silently crept up to the source of the noise. It was the blue Boi from yesterday's match sneaking in along with the blue Hidden star.

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