Uncertain Twists

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I really gotta make sure I publish my stuff as soon as I finish. Anyways sorry if it seems rushed. :/)

Brick woke up in a cold sweat in his own bed. It was just a dream, or was it? Everything felt so real, the blood that covered Broadcaster, the grassland, his useless RPG... The demon... It wasn't real... Thank God.

Brick slowly sat up and surveyed his room, a picture frame of him and his family was on his nightstand, the wall had a couple of framed pictures, a painting of a house near a lake with field and mountains in the background hung on the wall, Brick's rocket jumping certification hung on another wall above his desk and his flatscreen TV was in front of him.

Brick got out of bed and examined himself. He still had on his clothes from the match he previously did. He went to take a shower and upon getting out and changing into some fresh clothes, he had noticed that the ushanka of the Blue Boi was on his Linked sword. Brick walked over to it and gently touched the fur lining, marveling at how soft and cool it felt.

"Enough of that Brick, go outside before you fucking miss breakfast."

Brick sighed at his internal scolding, grabbing his RPG before heading out to the common area. A quick look around, bullseye. Brick smiled at the sight of Brandon and Lienna sitting together, the two seemed to be having fun and genuinely enjoying each other's company.

Brick quickly got in line behind Rookie and a really bandaged Broadcaster, finally back after two days of mysterious absence. Brick froze, the wounds were in the exact same place as they were in the dream. But of course Rookie and his constant nagging to Broadcaster made it hard to think. It was annoying and Brick could see why Broadcaster hated Rookie.

That's not the point, and gathering what courage he had to talk to Broadcaster, he got his attention.

"Hey Broadcaster, w-where you been? How the hell did you get hurt?"

Brick scolded himself for stuttering and got even more nervous when Broadcaster simply looked at him and said nothing, his forest green eyes piercing Brick's own chocolate brown ones. Damn could he really be scary at times.

"Brickbattle, it's best that you don't know."

"Oh okay... hope you feel better soon at least."


The line moved forwards and Brick held on to his RPG as if his life depended on it which was strange, for some reason Broadcaster seemed and looked Wrong. Shaking the feeling away, he decided it would be better to mind his own business

"There's no threat out there Brick, why the hell are you so tense?"

Brick slung his RPG on his back as he got his food and left to go sit at a table with Material Man, and Pizza man. The three quietly ate together with the occasional silence break of Material Man happily humming some song and playing with his oatmeal or Pizza man's phone buzzing. Everything was fine, yet Brick couldn't shake the feeling of dread and the memory of the nightmare from his mind, maybe a little rocket jumping after breakfast would help.


Brandon and Lienna sat together on Glacier. The two had decided to hang out somewhere cold and since there wasn't any matches lined up for the two, it was a perfect day to go out, have fun, maybe fish a little which was what Brandon was doing. So far, he had caught a couple of Salmon that were to be smoked later and a really crusty looking pair of glasses.

He breathed in the cool air and hugged Lienna close to him. He had let her use his old black parka and ushanka from when he lived back in Alaska with his family. She had gotten comfortable enough with him to let him see her animal features. Overall it was a good day so far as the two cooked their fish, ate, talked, and played around a bit.

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