Trial and Error

345 7 15

A/N: Broadcaster fucks up (and what I mean by fuck up is that he turns into a Wendigo for a good while) and there's also gore. Also, I suggest checking the first chapter for updated headcannons

  Brandon waited at the front of Chef's diner with the strange knife that Red Panda, Lienna had insisted that he bring. Why this one though? I have much nicer knives and the sword if she was after a long blade... Brandon's thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Lienna approaching him, it seems like she too never wore anything else apart from the clothes she used for matches, just like him, even though he had a different reason.

After the two had a pleasant lunch together, courtesy of Chef and Brandon who payed, the duo went out into the forest to test out the new weapon. Lienna backed away as Brandon swung the knife at some trees and to both of their surprise, the knife was strong enough to cut right through the trees like nothing while also sending Brandon to the floor due to him not anticipating the sudden shift of weight How is one weapon this powerful? Did it hurt Brandon?! To her surprise, Lienna found herself very worried about Brandon who was still laying on the floor, dazed and confused.

As Lienna helped Brandon back on his feet, she couldn't help but notice both how warm he was, and also the tip of his knife had a dark flame on it. It seems that Brandon noticed it too as he experimentally waved it around. It was then that a horrific thought occurred to him, it seems like Lienna had the same thought too. "Brandon, what if the other teams got a knife like this too? Would the other Bois use it against us? Do you think they might come after us in the night? You know that if we die while the respawners are off, we die forever."  Brandon nodded, he was well aware of that fact but he also didn't want to tell Lienna of his plan, he didn't want to scare off the only person that willing hung out with him.

Brandon swirled the knife in circles and the flame got stronger and large enough to cover the blade, he then swung it again at another group of trees and again, the air pressure cut clean through them like nothing along with giving Lienna a large cut that spanned the length of her arm. Horrified, Brandon dropped the knife and rushed over to where she was while apologizing. He was crushed at the fact that he had unintentionally hurt his friend. And so he quickly pulled out the roll of gauze that he kept in his jacket pocket and wrapped it on the cut which was already bleeding, after everything was taken care of, he put the knife in a sheath he made for it and walked with Red Panda back to base, too ashamed to say anything.

The next day, Red Panda wanted to go talk to Brandon, yet he wasn't responding to any texts or calls and he was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't even at the cubbyhole which had been cleaned out. This scared her but she couldn't do anything about it since she had to go do today's matches with Ace Pilot, Cultist, Rioter, and four other people. She didn't know what she would do if she encountered a Boi with the same knife Brandon had. She didn't even know if she would be able to kill him.

When she arrived at the Aircraft zone for the first of five matches, she cast her votes for the match setup, got her weapon, and went into her position. A siren sounded signifying the start of the match. Red Panda climbed in top of the shipping container and easily shot down the Blue team's Broadcaster, this earned her an AWP and with that she scored a headshot on the Blue Grunt. Tec-9 was next, she got a double kill which granted her the railgun. Another double which gave her the mp9-S, a kill and two assists.

She was the match leader for now. Backstabbing the Broadcaster again and watching Cultist get blown to bits with the rocket launcher. She killed the... Creature responsible? What was that thing anyways? It had a deer skull for a head, matted fur, large claws with an exposed ribcage and some organs. Its smell made her sick and so she got away from the body of the thing, whatever it was.

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