Unexpected reveals

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I'm doing more, y'all. It's gonna pick up soon, I swear.

Also happy 1 year to this story!!!

I might slow down this story to start on others, mainly Alternate Works or Splatoon-themed shit

Btw I beat Inner agent 3 last night and got my obligatory toothpick :]

I tried doing the Dorohedoro anime ending thingy, tell me how it went, yall! )

He had landed at around 0200, carefully sneaking past Mighty and Castlers, ducking from Vampire who almost spotted him.

Ears flicking up, then down, checking for any sound, breathing quiet, eyes scanning from movement as the world seemed to slow down as the werecreature snuck through.

A sound of a glass shattering, his muscles tensed as he blended in with the darkness, climbing up the walls as if gravity was non-existant. Somebody was awake.

Kazimir jumped off the wall and glided to the second floor's balcony, he really itched for a smoke, and some food. Mostly a smoke though.

Ducking into an empty room and making himself comfortable, he took off most of his clothing, leaving himself only in a thin pair of shorts used mostly for when one was using heavier, metallic armor. He fell asleep, listening to the sounds of the night, tomorrow would be interesting.

Brandon had woke up in the middle of the night, at around 2 am. Lienna lay next to him, still dead asleep. He lay awake with only his thoughts to accompany him, thoughts about his past and also about Lienna.

He was more scared of himself than anything. Sure, sorcerers are inhuman creatures made from primordial muddy sludge, shaped and given sick, twisted magic, but there were good ones that tried to be good.

It didn't matter, he shot both parties dead. No questions asked, seemingly no remorse, not from him, not from the gun, and none from the cold, unforgiving, desolate tundra.

"Would Lienna accept me for who I am? Who I was? I did the right thing to kill them, didn't I? To protect everybody. To keep the demons at bay."

Brandon sighed and laid back down, gently hugging Lienna close to him as he blushed, he would tell her someday about his feelings, and who he was. This was a feeling that he hoped would never leave.

He awoke suddenly, hugging his RPG as he heard a crashing sound. Flipping over to read his clock, 9:20 AM, he had overslept.

Brick muttered a string of curses in English and Spanish as he jumped out of bed and got ready, putting on his usual jacket and jeans with his combat boots, finally the utility belt where he put supplies such as his dagger, extra RPG ammunition, snacks, medpills, and other stuff.

He practially slammed through his door, sliding down the halls thanks to spilt water, jumping down the stairs and making it to the common area, panting and out of breath

Brick smiled and waved at those present, saying good morning to each of them before going to grab what little breakfast is left, oh well. If all fails he can get some pizza from his friend Benjamin, also known as Pizza boy.

After he finished, he threw his plate away and took his RPG to that one strange map, the street corner. Time for practice with his best friend Clay, also known as Material Man.

Brick sat in his side until a whistle was blown, he shot his RPG at the ground and rocket jumped up high to scout his surroundings, Clay was underground in the sewers which was better for Brick.

Something shot upwards as Brick landed on the roof of the building with the holes in the floor. Brick quickly reloaded and smiled as he saw Clay come towards him, changing his material to rock at the last second as he was shot with a rocket, it exploded and blew him into pebbles.

Brick laughed in triumph and waited for his friend to respawn, reloading in the meantime. An easy first kill, it wouldn't last though as he felt a knife plunge into his arm, he rocket jumped away onto the other building and drew his own knife, having brought it as well as his sword.

Material man jumped towards him, Brick plaved his RPG down and drew his dagger, meeting Matetial man at the middle and clashing, the two threw each other away before they fell onto the asphalt.

They got up and charged at each other, dancing around as they parried and thrusted with their knives, or in Brick's case, sword. He had switched halfway through, his dagger having gotten snapped in half

Brick was thrown onto the roof where his RPG was, unbeknownst to him, Matetial Man had been kidnapped and in his place stood a demon. Leary. Brick rocket jumped upwards and upon seeing the demon, went into overdrive, reloading and shooting as fast as possible. The rockets all exploded near Leary, yet he was unfazed.

The last rocket though, Leary caught it and threw it back at at Brick who was blasted to bits. He respawns and charges Leary.

Brandon had woken up a while ago along with Lienna, the two had decided to try fishing at Glacier again. This time, Brandon had caught a large, magnificent looking Salmon.

The water was magnificent and Brandon had sat down with Lienna at the edge of the glacier to look at the northern lights as they ate their salmon, truly a beautiful sight.

The two mainy sat in silence as they watched the night sky. Brandon was nervous, he'd figured that now was as good as time as any to confess, but how to go about it? He cleared his throat which got Lienna's attention. There was no turning back now...

Brandon sat up and quickly tried to calm himself to no avail. Whatever, maybe if he got on with it, he'd feel better. He took a deep breath and began to speak

"Lienna... I- I have something to tell you..."

"Hm? What is it Brandon, are you okay?"

Shit, she knows I'm not nervous. That's not good.

"I uh... I really like you and so I was wondering if... I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?"

"Brandon I-I don't know what to say, thank you for all"

The two remained speechless for a long while after that sentence. Then Lienna shifted her position, hugged Brandon tight, and kissed him on the cheek.

A simple gesture, yes. But it threw Brandon into overdrive, he was blushing madly and was feeling things he's never felt before.

After a couple minutes he calmed doen enough to be able to push out a half-cohearant thought in his head and he did the only thing he could think of in that moment. He kissed Lienna back.

He had had a crush on her ever since he saw her for the first time during his Inaguration into Arsenal during that one cold morning. Never in his wildest imagination could he ever imagine that he'd be with her, and that they would be kissing each other.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, eventually they picked up their things from Glacier and headed back to the apartments.

Of course, they had arrived a bit late, a lot of people were concerned but Brandon waved them off. Erik and Communicator looked at each other, as if they knew what went on. Eventually the duo was allowed to go to their rooms and rest.

And so completes another day in Roblox Arsenal! What happened to Brick? What is Leary planning? What else will happen to the two lovebirds. All that and more will be revealed further in Dark Deceptions!

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