41- Aftermath

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"But the worst thing about losing you was that you took my heart with you"       -Nikita Gill

"But the worst thing about losing you was that you took my heart with you"       -Nikita Gill

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Alexander's POV

"Honey... come on" Sophie said softly, leaning down and grasping my shoulders
I shook my head, staring at her. At my daughter... my poor daughter in my arms.

"We have to go darling" she said, everyone had stopped after Raven collapsed.
Narissa was gone, so the demons only option was to run.
And now everything was silent...

And I prayed to god I'd hear her heartbeat... but nothing.
I- it hurt, it hurt so much, to see her limp, no colour in her face.

I got up slowly, holding her in my arms, her legs dangling and hair fallen over the edge
Like a rag doll
"Today... today is..." I couldn't speak
I didn't know what to say, I was their king and I had no fucking clue what to say.

So I didn't... I walked out, with my daughter close to my heart and my family following after me, leaving everyone to the grief that was drowning us all.

Blossom's POV

"Sin... Sin please wake up" I cried, his face in my hands and tears streaming down my face
"Sin" I begged, he wasn't moving
He was still breathing but it was so faint.

"Sin" I pleaded, shaking him in my arms
I couldn't lose him. Not now.
I don't know what was happening with the pack, or why my sister was... gone
But I couldn't lose him too
It all hurt too much.

I held him to me, rocking us back and forth ever so slightly, listening to his breathing
That's all that mattered right now to me
Just... making sure he was still breathing.

"I- I love you" I whispered, the breeze of the night making the tears roll coldly down my skin
I glanced up, Lincoln's body was lying mangled a few feet away, and not a soul was around.

It was completely quiet, I felt alone... and scared
What am I supposed to do? He glowed
He actually... glowed. How do I help him? I couldn't possibly carry him and the pack link was completely cut off.

"Sin... Sin baby... please wake up, I- I need you. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do without you" I cried, holding him tighter
I needed him, I physically needed him to live
It hurt so much seeing him like this.

"Are you okay?" I jumped in fright, looking up at the voice, there was a man.
I had twisted my head round to see him as he came through the side alley of the house
"W-who are you? Stay away!" I shouted, he put his hands up immediately.

"I'm sorry, I- I'm just trying to help, the hall was attacked, I just... well everyone's running or wounded and I, I smelt blood" he explained, his gaze flicking to Lincoln's body
I tried to control my breathing
"Stay back!" I shouted frantically as he neared us.

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