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jungkook let out a sigh of frustation. "what do you mean 'nothing happened'? i saw you crying!" the youngest said, his voice raising a bit.

"jungkook, stop it!" seokjin hissed, and sent the mentioned boy a glare. jimin looked confused at the two, thinking carefully about what he should say.

"okay.. m-maybe i got a bit upset. but it wasnt anything taehyung said! ive just been feeling a bit sad every now and then, so he just comforted me." technically, it wasnt a lie. jimin had been feeling more sad over these past few days. ever since taehyung recommended him losing weight, his usually bubbly mood had gone down a bit.

"but i heard yellin-" jungkook angrily began, but was quickly cut off.

"sad? oh, whats been bothering you?" the oldest asked with a soft voice, and began rubbing small circles on jimin back.

"ah, its not that serious honestly! maybe im just overreacting." the boy replied with a sheepish smile on his face.

seokjin rolled his eyes, and moved closer. "dont give me that, jimin-ah. whatever is bothering you is valid, and should be.. taken care off." the older said. "we wont force you to talk about it, but please do come to us when you feel ready."

the brown haired boy showed a soft smile. "thank you, hyung. i will! a-and same goes for you! both of you!" 

jungkook didnt look pleased. he opened his mouth, ready to just ask the question both him and seokjin had been wanting to ask, but felt a foot stomp down on his own. "MOTHERFUC- i mean, ow! ouchhhhh!" he coughed out.

jimin got a shock, and jumped off the couch, while seokjin kept giving jungkook the same glare mouthing at him to shut up.

"oh my god, are you okay?! what happened??" the brown haired boy quickly asked, and rushed over to the maknae. 

"ah, yes, im fine! i just stomped my toe against the.... table! and it hurt. it really hurt." jungkook replied with a laugh, quickly sending seokjin an annoyed glance, before turning back to the smaller boy. 

"okay, enough of the sad stuff!" the oldest said out loud, clapping his hands together. "lets watch some movies!"


it was the next morning, and jimin was on his way home. he was in a much better mood now, than he had been for the last couple of days. a movie night with two of his best friends was just what he needed!

after 15 minutes of walking in the cold rain, he finally reached the door to his and taehyung's apartment. he opened the door, and hung his now wet jacket, on the cute little hanger he had once bought for taehyung.

"taehyungiee! im home!" he yelled out in the big apartment, but didnt get an answer. "taehyungiiiiiiiie!" he tried again, and walked around the apartment. 

"are you in here?" he asked with a smile, as he opened the door to the bedroom. "im bac-" jimin's smile instantly fell, as he saw the scene in front of him.

taehyung was busy with some girl in their bed, her bra laying on jimins pillow. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" the male screamed at jimin, who still hadnt fully realized what was going on.


"I SAID GET OUT!" taehyung repeated, grabbing the womans bra, and throwing it at jimin. the latter quickly shut the door, and only seconds after, moaning could be heard.

he stormed out of the apartment, not even caring that it was raining anymore, and just ran.

he ran and ran, as the scene he had just seen, kept repeating in front of his eyes. he didnt remember running to the empty park, but as he sat down on a wet bench under a tree, he didnt care.

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