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"babe.. can you come here for a sec?" taehyung asked. last night had been alright, although it was quite a long one. i had left the warm covers to try and silently make a cup of coffee, only to hear my boyfriends dark, sleepy voice.

"goodmorning." i said with a soft smile, sitting down on the bed next to him. "everything alright?"

he looked up and down at me, a small smirk coming onto his lips as he laid eyes on the fresh hickeys he gave me a few hours ago. "everything is good. i just missed you." a chuckle escaped me at his comment, finding him way too cheesy.

"missed me? aw" i teased, ruffling his hair. he only laughed, and grabbed me, pulling me close. "taehyungiee, my coffee is gonna get cold!" i pouted, and tried to wiggle out of his grip.

"just five more minutes." he mumbled into my neck. giving up, i sighed and made myself comfortable, before slowly drifting back to sleep again.


"jungkook, take a deep breath and say that again, i cant understand anything you say while you have food in your mouth" seokjin said with a confused look, as he continued to stir his way too hot tea.

"hyung, im serious. something is seriously off with them." the younger began, "when i visited jimin yesterday, taehyung pulled him away from me into another room. shortly after i heard yelling, so i went out to them, only to see taehyung wiping away a tear from jimin."

"fucken taehyung.. hes such a douchebag, especially at work as well." seokjin muttered under his breath, waiting for jungkook to continue.

"but its not just that. a few days ago, i saw taehyung texting jimin some pretty harsh things." jungkook sighed for a second, before continuing, "it was something along the lines of 'if you dont come home this instant, ill-' and then i dont know what it said. jimin quickly grabbed the phone back before i could finish reading it."

seokjin looked a bit worried, but not too surprised. "between us two, ive seen quite a lot of red flags between them. or, more specifically, taehyung." the elder said, letting his hand run through his hair. "ive heard how taehyung has talked to him, when jimin has picked him up for work. its one of the reasons me and him argue so much."

jungkook suddenly began to feel a bit angry. "what has he said to him?"

"a bunch of shit, but its always been hard to hear through the door. the only thing you can really hear is yelling, sometimes." the other finished.

the younger sat there for a second, thinking. he was about to say something, when seokjin beat him to it. "before you jump to any conclussions, lets just talk with jimin about it first. both of us. we cant assume anything. for all we know, they might've just had a couple of fights, which is more than normal for couples."

"yeah.. maybe youre right. ill text jimin, and ask him to come over tonight. we could have a movie night!" jungkook said, his eyes lightning up. the youngers excitement made seokjin chuckle, as he nodded, thinking a movie night would sounds nice.


as i was looking through facebook, nothing interesting popping up, my phone began beeping. grabbing it, i saw it was a text from jungkook. a smile spread on my face, as i opened the messages.

weird bunny
i have a really important question

weird mochi
whats up

weird bunny
its not even a question
its a - s t a t e m e n t -

weird mochi

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