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weird bunny

weird mochi
dont ever call me 'jimin-daymmmm' again
i swear i will destroy you

weird bunny
daymmmm jimin.. thats tuff🤧

weird mochi

weird bunny
okok sorryyyyyyy
can we hangout again soon, pleeeeaaase
its been so long

weird mochi
you just saw me at the arcade yesterday hahah
but of course! i always wanna hang out with you!
even tho youre an annoying brat sometimes😘

weird bunny
okay, first of all ouch
second of all, yaay! where do you wanna hang?

weird mochi
uhm.. idk really
i feel like i always pick

weird bunny
then ill pick!

weird mochi
go for it 

weird bunny
how bout your place?i havent seen it in so long

weird mochi
you wanna go to my place?
are u sure?
i mean
its a mess here
and taehyung will be here
so we cant be too loud
and like.. its really messy

weird bunny
do you not remember what the insides of my apartment looks like
its literal chaos
i think we'll be fine hahah

weird mochi
idk, isnt it more fun if we go to your place instead
we cant go to my place
yesterday we said we'd go to the arcade!

weird bunny
oh yeah! i had already forgot lol
sure, itll be fun! 


i looked in the mirror and saw the hand print on my cheek. a day later, and it was still visible, and still stinging. a small sigh left me, as i gently pat the injured spot. "jimin, baby?" taehyung spoke behind me.

"yeah?" i said with a small smile.

"im really sorry about yesterday. you know i didnt mean it, right?" he walked up behind me, and gave me a tight hug. "i would never hurt you on purpose." he whispered, before gently kissing the back of my head.

"i know. it was just an accident." i mumbled, as i turned around. "you didnt mean to."

"exactly, baby. accidents happen." he showed the amazing box smile i fell in love with, before giving me a kiss on the lips. "come, i have something for you." gently grabbing my hand, i followed him into the bedroom. as i entered, i saw a stuffie sitting on the bed, along with a little bouquet of flowers.

"aw, you shouldnt have." i squeaked, running over to the little stuffie and picking it up. "thank you!"

"i still feel really bad about the 'incident' last night though. how about i cook you dinner tonight for a change?" 

"no no, you bought me this. ill cook, dont worry." a little smile, before i walked out into the kitchen, getting ready to cook.

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