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"woah, when did you get so much fancy clothes?!" jungkook yelled, as he began grabbing a bunch of shirts and pants. i looked over at him with a smile, that quickly disappeared.

"jungkook-ah! those are taehyung's!" i said in panic. he looked at me in confusion, and shrugged. "can you put them down again? i have to fold them." a small sigh.

"fold them? why? i just picked them up" the younger said, raising a brow. "im not toxic. he wont die from me having touched his clothes." he chuckled. 

"ah.. of course not. maybe i overreacted a bit.." jungkook put down the clothes, and walked over to me, swinging his arm around me. 

"dont worry, jimin-shi. its fine." i couldnt see his face, but i just knew he was looking at me with that bunny smile. 

"how are you guys doing?" a dark voice sounded, making me and jungkook look behind us. "or.. what are you doing with my clothes?" 

"we're not doing anything with your clothes, i just thought they were jimins, and wanted to look at them." jungkook replied, and removed his arm from me. 

"alright. jimin, can i speak with you for a second?" he turned to me with those, dark, angry eyes. i knew exactly what he was gonna say.

"of course. be r-right back jungkook." the latter looked at me with an odd look, probably having noticed my stutter. fuck. 

i left the room with taehyung, and walked into the kitchen. "so," he began, a loud sigh escaping him, "wanna tell me what the hell you two are doing in there?!" 

"w-we were just t-talking-"

"just talking?! i come in to see my clothes laying around on the floor, and his dirty arm around you! you didnt even say anything to it! i bet you fucken enjoyed it! is that why he is here? you wanna cheat on me with him, huh?!" he yelled. 

my eyes teared up in fear, as he kept going and going. "i w-would never cheat on you. i l-love you so much." i said with a shaky voice. 

"you dont love me! all you do is disrespect me! ive told you multiple times about how i feel when others touch you!" he growled, and harshly pushed me up against the wall, making me groan out in pain. "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!" he shouted, hitting the wall besides me.

"i-im sorry, im so so s-sorry. i'll do better, ill a-ask him to leave. i was s-stupid for letting him in." i sobbed. "i just wanted t-to spend some t-time with a friend here. its b-been so long." 

"i dont wanna hear it!" he said, grabbing me, only to shove me back into the wall. he took a few steps back, breathing heavily. i didnt know if i could leave or not, so i just stood there and looked, as more tears rolled down my fat cheeks.

after a minute or two, he walked over to me again. he raised his hand, and i immediatly flinched, my hands coming up to my face. "hey, hey, shh. sorry." he said. i looked up at him, to see him with a comforting smile. "im really sorry for my outburst." he sighed, gently wiping my tears.

"i-its okay. i know you dont.. dont mean it." i sniffed.

"are you guys okay in here?" jungkook asked, having just entered the kitchen. quickly, taehyung wiped the rest of my tears away, before turning around. 

"yeah, we are. arent you a bit impatient?" taehyung fake chuckled, as he ruffled my hair a bit.

"im not impatient, i heard yelling, so i got worried." the younger sternly replied. "what was going on?"

"we just-" i began, but taehyung quickly interrupted. 

"we werent doing anything. maybe you just thought you heard something, hm?" taehyung started, as he walked towards jungkook. "and even if we were doing something, it wouldnt be any of your buisness, right?" he smiled. 

the younger opened his mouth, but taehyung beat him to it. "anyways, i have stuff to do." he said, and left. 

"jimin, are you okay? what happened?" he rushed towards me, worry everywhere in his eyes. "have.. have you been crying?" he asked, eyeing me up and down. 

"n-no, ive just got a cold." i answered. 

"you just stutte-"

"it was really nice having you over today, j-jungkook. but i think we're gonna have to call it a day. i dont feel too g-good."

it was clear to see he didnt want to leave. "we'll hang out again soon, i promise. i just have to lie down for a bit." i remarked. a small sigh left him, as he gave me a nod.

"just.. you'd tell me if something was wrong, right?" he asked, and pulled me in for a hug. i didnt reply. instead, i only chuckled against his chest. 


"dont you know that youre toxic?" i muttered, as i sat by the kitchen table. i was sketching on a piece of paper i had found, with a pencil taehyung had given me once.

"what was that?" taehyung asked, as he walked up behind me. startled, i quickly jumped, not having seen him. "what were you saying?" he repeated.

i took out my left airpod, and put my pencil down. "im just singing along to a song. britney spears." his dark eyes turned bright, as a big smile appeared on his face.

"britney spears? didnt know you liked her." he laughed. "thought it was mostly girls who listened to her." he then continued.

"everyone can listen to her. she has some good songs." i replied with a small smile. "toxic is one of my favourites."

he looked at me with a weird glare, before shaking it off. "i dont think you should listen to her anymore. shes not relevant anymore. besides, toxic is a bad song." he sat down next to me, pulling me close. "how about i help you find some good music one of these days?" he grinned. 

"sure. that actually sounds nice. we could have a music date!" i said with excitement. maybe it could be a successfully date, for once. 

"of course, baby. that sounds lovely." he grabbed my phone, and deleted the song toxic off of my playlist, before pressing a sweet kiss on my forehead. "ill cook dinner tonight. im really sorry about earlier, but i hope you know i didnt mean it."

i looked into his brown eyes, as i grabbed his hand. "i know. you never mean it. its okay." i reassured him. 

"yeah.." he said with a small sigh, and led my hand to his inner thigh. "maybe we can have some fun tonight? its been a while.." 

my eyes widened a bit, as he led my hand closer and closer to his crotch. "uh.. maybe." i said with a nervous chuckle.

"come on.. everyone else in relationships does this. dont you want a normal relationship, baby? itll be fun." he breathed in my ear.

"s-sure. itll be good." if he says itll be fun, itll be fun. he knows whats best. 


im really sorry abt the angry rant last chapter. obviously not every guy is like that. i was just so sad and frustrated.

ive been in a toxic relationship for a long ass time, and it ended recently. i havent had time to process anything properly that was happening to me in that relationship (like jimin), until it was finally over. i knew it was toxic, but i was too blind to end it, and always pushed it aside, if that makes sense. i just need to pull myself together ahah.

thank you guys for having been so patient, and for all the sweet comments. they really made me tear up <3 

i hope youre all doing okay!

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