Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter

AN: sorry this took so long folks

Chapter 13

Harry woke up the next morning in high spirits, ready for his first quidditch match. It helped a lot that they kept hearing other students laughing at Snape as they entered the common room last night. Harry also decided to send a letter to his accountant in the Canadian Rockies, Shimmer, last night so he could prepare for his match. His dorm mates still had the shit scared out of them when Hedwig flamed in to deliver the letter.

Going through his regular morning routine, Harry was soon on his way down to the great hall, passing by the many students who were awake at the time. Either Ravenclaw's heading to the library, Hufflepuff's heading to breakfast, Slytherin's (Malfoy and his cronies) sneering at anyone not in green and Gryffindor's being rowdy and energetic.

As Harry rounded a corner to the great hall, he saw Hermione walking past him.

"Hey Hermione, where ya headed?" asked Harry.

"Oh, hey Harry, just going to madame Pomfrey, I think the anxiety of being away from home so long is making my allergies act up." said Hermione, she was trying to subtly scratch her arm, hoping Harry wouldn't notice, which he did, but didn't comment.

'The allergy excuse again, what's really going on with her?' thought Harry.

"Ok then, I hope you get well soon, and I hope you can make it to the game today." said Harry, smiling at Hermione. Hermione smiled back at Harry and walked off. Once Hermione rounded the corner, Harry turned thoughtful.

'I hope she's alright, it seems she's slow to completely trust others, so I doubt she'll tell me what's really going on, though you'd figure me taking a troll club to the spine would prove I'm a friend, well, breaking someone out of their shell completely takes time... we'll get there.' thought Harry as he entered the great hall.

Harry sat at the Ravenclaw table, and was dishing himself some breakfast, when Hedwig flamed in with a package, startling the students near him.

"Ok, seriously, she's been doing this for months, how long does it take to get used to it? Sheesh." said Harry, before turning to Hedwig.

"Hey Hedwig, what have ya got for me?" asked Harry.

"The usual letters from the banks, and a package from Shimmer, for your game, and a message from Dathin and the others, they said that you are in major trouble for that 'stupidity' with the troll." said Hedwig.

"So, Steve told them? I thought it would've been sooner." said Harry.

"Yup, it took so long because he was recovering from a lot of stinging hexes, something about falling into the women's hot spring?." chuckled Hedwig, doing the phoenix equivalent of a raised eyebrow.

"Ha, yeah, that one was me, thanks for bringing the package Hedwig, and tell the girls that I'm sorry for worrying them, and that I promise that I'll spend the first 2 weeks of summer at home, just relaxing, just to alleviate their worries." said Harry, while he did seem carefree most of the time, he truly hated worrying those he cared about. Especially if said worried individuals could turn someone to ash when they were pissed off. Harry should know, he's seen them completely incinerate poachers going after their parents egss. Harry was thankful that he was basically immune to fire due to his abilities, didn't mean the impact wouldn't hurt though.

"I will, just don't do anything OVERLY stupid, everyone worries about you, even me." said Hedwig.

Harry gently hugged Hedwig, understanding her worry. "Hey, listen, I would never do anything stupid intentionaly, you guys know that trouble always finds me regardless, but I will do my absolute damndest to not get killed... I can't leave my daughter alone, can I?" asked Harry.

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