Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: Don't own, etc.

AN: Well, this is it folks, we're finally gonna figure out what Hermione has been hiding in this chapter. However, I feel the need to reiterate due to an anonymous guest reviewer that this is an AU, don't like, don't read.

Chapter 19

Hogwarts Library, 3 weeks later

It had been a rough first 2 weeks for everyone, between Lockhart continuing to try and get Emily alone when Harry wasn't around, only to have the poltergeist Peeves mess with him in brutal ways, to the headmaster trying (and failing) to keep everyone calm due to the situation. This was due to the students seeing the message on their way back to the common rooms.

'I'm starting to think that Dumbass is losing it. Why would he make Filch clean that wall when he could've vanished it? Could it be that he wants the students to panic, and if so, is it to increase his failing reputation from all his screw ups when he 'solves' it?' thought Harry. It was getting hard for Harry to not start seeing Dumbledore as a Dark Lord hiding behind the Light.

The last week, however, was more upbeat and jovial....for the students, and Harry would proudly say that he was the one that started it all. The best part was, all it took was one panicked greaseball running into the great hall after witnessing what he saw as the first sign of the apocalypse, and a guest appearance by the suits of armor around Hogwarts.


All was calm in the great hall at the moment, a stark contrast to what the last 2 weeks have been like. Students were calmly eating dinner, talking to friends, interacting with different houses, bar Slytherin due to the ever increasing bias after the message on the wall, some were even discussing who the heir might be.

At the head table, the professors were glancing at the students in worry. They knew that if what that message said was true, Hogwarts may not have very long left. The only professor that was currently missing was one Severus Snape.

After another few minutes, said greaseball ran into the great hall in panic. He was paler than usual and had a look that screamed 'It's the end of the world'.

"Severus, whatever is the matter that brought you here is such a state?" asked Dumbledore. He was genuinely curious, as the only ones he knew of that could cause Severus this much stress was currently Harry Potter and the Weasley twins.

"I just saw Potter and the Weasley twins in the second floor corridor....they were discussing how to start pranking James Potter!" yelled Snape. Snape was so panicked right now that he didn't even care that he mentioned James without sneering at him. James, however, just smirked.

"Oh, so they think they're gonna prank an original marauder....I guess I'll have to show them not to underestimate me just because I'm a professor." smirked James. The entire staff table grew nervous at this. It's common knowledge that the small prank war between the Potter boy and Weasley twins was near chaotic, but throw James Potter in the mix, it would be actual chaos. Though unknown to them, it was about to get worse.

"That's not all, when I was passing by, the Potter boy was shaking hands....with PEEVES!" yelled Snape in uncontrolled panic. This caused the entire hall to go dead quiet and the staff to go so pale that they looked like ghosts themselves.

"Oh, fuck me thrice and call me Morgana." said James as his eyes widened in realization. He and the other Marauders were the only ones who ever managed to prank Peeves and the poltergeist never got over it. If Harry managed to get Peeves on board, James knew he would be lucky to still be human after this was over. However, James was also one stubborn son of a bitch, if he was going down, he would go down fighting.

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