Chapter 24 - The Entry

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Chapter 24


'I know it's weird to think that only ten years ago you passed. But that doesn't mean I forgot.

I definitely haven't. Never. Nor would I want to. You were the best dad in the world. And sometimes, yes, we had our downfalls, but that won't change you were, and still are, my dad. And I'm still always and forever your son.

And sometimes I think, 'I want to be dad as a husband, parent, and friend,' because I observed and looked up to you and your doings. Even with music. Your talents. And I still think you're the best. And you inspired and taught me what life is, you gave me the gift of that. And I want to thank you.

Thank you for this gift called life. It's pretty huge. And thank you for making me smile, laugh, and even frown. For being there, always, and all the time. And even Mom. You were both there together, always. I found that amazing. For making sunshine on a rainy day. Cheesy, I know. But, it's true, you did, and still do now. And thank you for just being you.

That's the best part of all this. It's that you were just you, and used that to the best of your ability. And that's the best gift anyone can have, especially you.

One more thing; just get ready, and set, to rock. Because I think we should one more 'ready set rock.'

-C xo

P.S. I love you'


// (( so this is the last chapter! I know, I'm crying too :'( hahaha but don't please! I promise that, even if this ends, life won't! Carry on with it! :)

And thank you all so much for sticking with me this long. I really hope you all enjoyed this series. I know I did. Love you all so so, so so much,

-ash xoxo )) //

P.S. I Love You - Third Book of MHB Series - Ross Lynch/R5 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now