Chapter 6 - No, Please No

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Chapter 6

Amnesia is attached.


-- about 10 years later --

Today just isn't my day. Nothing has been going right - from stuff with kids, to Ariel.

"Dad?" Hayden walks into the living room hesitantly. "Yea, bud?" I sigh.

"Where's Mar? She said she'd be in her room but... well, she's not."


I drive down the freeway a little over the speed limit, but not caring at the moment. I'm just so done with everything at home. Like, what's with Mom and Dad always fighting? It's usually over me, I know that for a fact. And you may ask why I'm not out of the house yet. That's because I just lost my job, because I was apparently late one too many times. It was only twice though, but I guess I'm just not responsible,  or however Mom described it.

I suddenly see a car switching over to my lane, and I panic, because I can't slow down, and all I see his the airbag, and I think some glass, then black.


"Mr Lynch?" A lady's voice says over the phone. "This is he..."

"Your daughter, Marley, has been in a crash, and is in the hospital now."

My eyes widen. "Oh... oh! Um, okay, I'll be right there." I hang up, running up to Ariel.

"Ar, Ar!" I panic, and she jumps up. "It's Marley, she's... I'll explain in the car."

"Hay! C'mon, we have to go!" I call to Hayden, and he runs out the door with us, and I drive to the hospital.


"Marley Lynch," I tell the receptionist, and she tells me that Mar is in room 213. We run up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, two steps at a time, and we finally arrive at her room, and what I see before me breaks my heart into two.

No, this can't be real. Tell me it's just a dream...

// (( omigosh I'm so sorry for not updating in like years! And sorry for the short update now, I just felt like you guys need an update now... sorry that it's kinda sucky... but happy new year!

Wow, 2014 went by fast! But now it's 2015, and I'm looking forward to what will happen this year!

-ash )) //

P.S. I Love You - Third Book of MHB Series - Ross Lynch/R5 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now