Chapter 7 - This Isn't Good

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Chapter 7

I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie is attatched. ☆


What I see before breaks my heart into two. My daughter, my baby girl, all bruised and cut, because I wasn't there to save her. It's all my fault.

"Carter, it's not you fault," Ariel tells me softly, rubbing my back. "You didn't know."

I let out a shaky sigh, my eyes watering as I walk to the side of Marley's hospital bed, taking her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb gently over it. I stare at her for a few moments, when Hayden comes to my side.

"Do you think she'll make it?" He whispers, and I shrug. "I dunno. But don't doubt Mar. She's a strong girl, she'll pull through."

"Love of mine, someday you will die," I start to sing one of Marley's favourite songs, I Will Follow You Into The Dark. "But I'll be close behind

I'll follow you into the dark

No blinding light, or tunnels to gates of white

Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark

If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied

Illuminate the 'no's' on their facancy signs

If there's no one beside you, when your soul embarks

Then I'll follow you into the dark

In Catholic school, as vicious as Roman rule

I got my knuckles bruised, by a lady in black

And I held my tongue as she told me, "Son, fear is the heart of love"

So I never went back

If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied

Illuminate the 'no's' on their facancy signs

If there's no one beside you, when your soul embarks

Then I'll follow you into the dark

You and me, we've seen everything to see

From Bangkok to Calgary, and the souls of your shoes

Are all worn down, the time for sleep is now

It's nothing to cry about, we'll hold each other soon

In the blackest of rooms

If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied

Illuminate the 'no's' on their facancy signs

If there's no one beside you, when your soul embarks

Then I'll follow you into the dark

Then I'll follow you, into the dark." I finish, and can't help but let a few tears slip out of my eyes, as I watch my daughter, basically lifeless.


"It was all my fault," I cry softly into Ariel's shoulder, as we lay in bed that night after coming home from the hospital, and she rubs my back and kisses my forehead every once and awhile.

"No, it wasn't. This is out of your hands, it's not your fault in any way, C. I promise." She tells me softly, and I wipe my tears, sniffing.


I hate seeing Carter this upset. I'm doing everything I can, though.

"C," I coo, my hands finding his soft, blond hair. "Hmm?"

"You have to think positively, because that's what Mar would want. I know you know that." I run a hand over his chest gently, creating a soothing pattern, until I hear his soft, slow breathing, telling me he's fallen asleep, and I feel myself doing the same thing.

// (( hiya! Okay so I may or may not update soon after this {one fact you should learn about me is that I like to procrastinate a lot} haha but I may, so stay tuned!

And also, there's only to be about three, maybe four chapters left. I really love all of you a lot for reading this series for this long. Never forget that. ♡ Stay awesome and beautiful,

-ash xoxo )) //

P.S. I Love You - Third Book of MHB Series - Ross Lynch/R5 FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon