Chapter 5 - 6 Years Later

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Chapter 5


Lately, Carter and I haven't been as close as we used to be. But, at least Marley hasn't been noticing, because she usually would be the first one to notice something like this.

"Mom, would you come help me with this please?" Marley calls from the living room, and I walk in, seeing that she's doing her online schooling.

"With what?" I sit next to her, and she points at the laptop monitor. "What's 5a squared times (45x)?" I give her a look, "That's something you have to do on your own. That's why you're learning it in your online courses."

"Fine." She sighs, and I walk out of the living room, to the kitchen, to see Carter leaning against the counter.

"Hey," he whispers. "Hi." I say simply in reply, only because I wasn't in the mood.

You see, the other night, he had said some hurtful things to me in a fight we were having, and I still haven't let it go. I know it sounds babyish, but what he said really hurt.

** Flashback **

"Why are you acting this way?!" I raise my voice, glaring at my husband.

"You wanna know why?!" He yells. "It's because you're being a annoying, insecure, and self-centered b**ch!"

** End of Flashback **

Thinking of it brings tears to my eyes, but I blink them away.

"Come on, Ariel. You're seriously still holding onto the other night?" Carter rolls his eyes slightly, and I scoff.

"I can't believe you," I shake my head and laugh humorously. "You're unbelievable."

I walk out, walking up to our bedroom, dialing Layla.

"Hey Ar," she answers. "What's up?"

I sigh. "It's Carter." I go on to explain everything to her.

"What if you need to go to counselling?" She asks aloud. "Maybe you should, Ar, it'd do you both good."

"I dunno," I say, contemplating our options just as Carter walks in, a guilty look on his face. "Uh, I gotta go, I'll call you back Lay." I hang up, and watch as Carter sirs next to me on our bed.

"Um," he says. "I heard you talking on the phone. And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that about you holding onto what I said like that."

"Okay," I say softly. "But Lay suggested that we see a counselor for this."


No no no no no. My marriage cannot turn out like Mom and Dad's.

"Can we try and work it out?" I ask, and Ariel gives me a look. "C, we're not turning out like Auntie Ash and Uncle Ross."

"I know," I sigh. "But it just - can we try?" She bites her lip in thought. "Okay, fine. We can try."

A tight-lipped smile spreads across my lips as my arms find Ariel's body in a hug.

// (( omg I am so sorry for not updating in like forever! Been busy with Christmas stuff {btw merry belated xmas!} How was everyone's xmas'? Mine was pretty good.

What are everyone's new years resolutions? I haven't thought of mine yet, but I'll have one soon hopefully. Lol. Love you all,

-ash xoxo )) //

P.S. I Love You - Third Book of MHB Series - Ross Lynch/R5 FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon