Remembered and Unnessitary Reminders

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There were certain days America could remember like they were yesterday. Like the day James finally learned to bake, with her and Remus' help, which way coincidentally, the day their house stopped smelling like a smokehouse or America's first day at Hogwarts where she begged the sorting hat to place her in Gryffindor with her brother because she wasn't that great at making friends, the day she met the Marauders on the train, or the day she first learned to ride a broomstick.

       But remembering wasn't always a good thing. There are days America Potter would give anything to forget. Like the first time Sirius came back to his dorm, drunk and with a girl. The day James had a seizure. Or the day she first cut.

       Then there are the days that make up most of her life. The ones that weren't completely unnoteworthy but were lived to be forgotten through time. All blending into one another.

       Today was on a one ticket way into being remembered in a good way, and she hadn't even had breakfast yet.

       America watched Sirius peacefully sleep next to her. He looked so much younger when he slept. His eyes were closed, and all of his features were relaxed and soft. "Oh, Sirius," she whispered softly enough for him not to wake up. "Don't fall in love with me, for I will break your heart long before you realize that you were going to break mine." She sighed and gently tucked a strand of his beautiful hair behind his ear and off of his face.

       America carefully got up, pushing the thin, paper-like white sheets and sitting up in her white nightgown as the morning light poured into the room, lightly transitioning through the curtains, made out of the same fabric and the sheets. She sat on the edge of her bed and thought. What have I done? she thought to herself. James will kill me if he ever found out. She rested her chin on her folded hands that neatly sat on the metal wired bedpost. She tilted her head, discern a series of owl-like sounds of mourning doves. America got up and pushed the curtains before opening the window, taking in the fresh October morning air. Her thin, white nightgown swayed at the faintest of breeze as she leaned on the windowsill on tha rainy morning and peacefully poured herself a steaming cup of mint tea. As long as it there wasn't any thunder, she was going to be fine. America looked over at Sirius and sighed.

       "Don't fear sadness, love. Some live long without feeling anything at all," she whispered under her breath. Positively beside herself, America leaned forward, reaching into the water. The drops were fat and warm as they collected on her arm and ran down to her gown. She dried off and sat back down on the bed while brushing her hair. America grabbed a quill and fresh parchment and began to write.


       I've gone to get some food, but I shall be back before you know it.

Yours truly, America

       America changed and glanced at the clock. Nine thirty. She grabbed her wand and quietly placed the parchment on her desk and walked out the door. 

       Sirius woke up to the sun its streaming light through the curtains. He rolleld onto his side and smile at the memory on the night before.

       America came back thirty minutes later with four scones and some hot tea. She walked up the marble staircases, trying to make haste but still be quiet. She walked into the dorm to find Sirius at her desk.

       "Snooping?" she asked and he turned around to find me. "Good morning."

       "Indeed, it is," he grinned as she put the plate of scones and our two mugs down. Sirius walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

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